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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

8io BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wiley. T. T., degree, 715 Winfield, G. F., appointments, 4 a, 407 Wilgus, F. A-, degree, 224 degree, 62 Wilhelm, G. W., Jr., degree, 711 Wing, H. J.t degree, 455 Wilkins, W . G-, degree, 227 Wingard, F. F., degree, 228 Wilkinson, R. E., degree, 222 Winget, L. W., commission, 725 Wilkinson, L. C , degree, 733 degree, 715 Willard, A. C , appointments, 302, 652 Winings, J. W., degree, 716 Willard, C. A., degree, 410 Winkler, M . R., degree, 723 Willard, J., appointments, 331, 349 Winkley, R., appointment, 328 Willcox. M . EM degree, 227 Winn, O., degree, 224 Willems, E. M., degree, 228 Winslow, R. S., degree, 406 Willett, W . M., Jr., degree, 222 Winsor, F. R., Jr., degree, 723 Willey, C. H., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Winstein, M . J., degree, 718 Wfllhite, F. M., appointments, 66, 310 Winter, H. A., degree, 714 degree, 496 Winter, M . H-, degree, 716 Willi, K. R., degree, 229 Winterbauer, H. T., degree, 223 Williams, A. E., degree, 721 Winterringer, G. S., degree, 725 Williams, C. A., appointments, no, 290, 639 Winters, C. F., degree, 710 Williams, C. E., degree, 499 Winters, E., Jr., appointments, 310, 660 Williams, D „ degree, 60 Wipke Lightning Rod Company, Lincoln Hall Williams, E., appointments, 292, 641 contract, 263 Williams, E. H.f appointments, 111, 303, 504, 653 Wirchak, R. H., degree, 233 Williams, F. P., degree, 710 Wiring, contracts, Chemistry Annex, 510 Williams, G. A., appointment, 642 Electrical Engineering Laboratory, 189 Williams, G. W., appointment, 597 Wirth, E. H., appointment, 334 Williams, H. E., appointment, 525 Wise, R. K., degree, 132 Williams, J. M., appointments, 153, 334, 444, 686 Wissink, G. M., appointment, 653 Williams, L. W., appointments, 298, 504, 647, 648 Wissman, H. B., degree, 60 Williams, M . E., degree, 230 Wissmiller, V. D., degree, 715 Williams, M . J., appointments, 315 Withee, S. C , degree, 226 Williams, M . L., degree, 723 Wittelle, F. M., appointments, 343, 695 Williams, S. M., appointment, 671 Wittenberg, C, H., degree, 228 degree, 711 Wittenfeld, M . G., degree, 221 Williams, W . L. C , commission, 235 Wixted, J. F., degree, 241 degree, 226 Wlodkowski, P. A., degree, 733 Williamson, C. S., appointments, 329, 681 Wohlfarth, L., appointments, 280, 628 Williamson, D. K., appointments, 283, 631 Wojcik, B. H., degree, 711 Williamson, E. P., degree, 225 Wojtanowicz, F. C., commission, 725 Williamson, F. R., degree, 233 degree, 716 Williamson, L. F., degree, 710 Wold, H. E., degree, 409 Willis, D. A., appointments, 344, 696 Wolever, F. E., appointment, 641 Willis, G. C , shades contract, 194 fellowship, 160 Willis, L. J., degree, 347 Wolf, H. H., certificate. 242 Wilson, A., degree, 230 Wolf, K. L„ degree, 221 Wilson, A. C , lease contracts, 25, 339 Wolf, S., appointments, 396, 682 Wilson, A. D., appointment, 281 Wolfe, A. G., degree, 35 degree, 230 Wolfe, J. B., appointment, 642 Wilson, B. K., degree, 721 Wolfram, G., degree, 225 Wilson, C. N., C. P. A. certificate, 115, 466 Wolfson, J. J., name changed, 74 Wilson, D., degree, 224 Wolgast, A. E., degree, 723 Wilson, D. P., degree, 221 Wolinsky, C , degree, 225 Wilson, E. W., degree, 226 Wolinsky, L, certificate, 733 Wilson, F. D., appointments, 299, 64S Wollgast, G. F., certificate, 242 degree, 388 Woltersdorf, A., gift, 366 Wilson, F. E., degree, 732 Woman's Building, theft of rugs, 567 Windus,S.P.W-,onappointments,310, 660 635628, 671 I Wood, A.Dean5643626Hall,108, 291,356, 598 623478, 491, Windsor,Frazierappointments, 221286,647 Wimer, WW.,M.,degree,appointment,735 695 Wilson, D..B„, certificate,225168,297,674 584 Winer, W.,A., degree, rollers, 663, for, Winakor, B.CA.,degree,degree,233 291,320, degree, A.S., Jr.,degree,636 324, 654 experiments appointments, gift 42 P.,V., degree,710243 305, 343, V.227 S„E.,appointments, 640 Y. C-, large 710 723 O.501H., appointments, L.59L., degree,734 161,280, MargaretS.,degree, Marjorie M K., M.,B., H. I., Franklin E.,723347 R. R., appointment, degree, 732 appointments, appointments, 734 716 Women,600 to,of, 46a,sports, 206, 641 416, 631 Woman's603,433 422, 599House,49- salary, 325, self-supporting, Beta710 48. rent 275, additions 356, appointments, and location, 18, 1, 132 budget, 376, contracts,278, 269 58, 614 538 51636 furniture, fund, , Gymnasium, 528 petitionLeague, budget, 42, 287, architect, 617 726 47. on, 158 appropriation, 687 718 expense, balance L-, 616 research bids,cooperative t C 574, appointments, salary, M., report, degree, granted, appointments, 255 F., Sunday r F. Residence G. E.t 687 Harry E. L., B., reappropriated, for degree,
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