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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Donahey, E. E., degree, 7'9 Donalson, B. C , degree, 231 Doneghy, F. V., degree, 39c Donigan, W . R,, commission, 724 degree, 717 Donovan, C. V., appointments, 284, 633 Donovan, R. F., degree, 731 Doolen, W . J., degree, 707 Doolittle, D. E., commission, 234 Dootittle, M. E., degree, 218 Doolittle, W . R., Jr., degree, 223 Doran, E. B., appointment, 37 degree, 407 Doran, W . J., degree, jxx Dor£, E-, degree, 231 Dor£, M . E., degree, 211 -. Dorjahn, J. A., appointments, 334, 6P.6 Dormitories for men, 47, 68, 492 financing of, 520 Dorn, E. F., degree, 223 Dornaus, V. J., degree, 35 Dorner, H. B., appointments, 315, 665 Dorsey, M . J., appointments, 315, 665 vacation extension, 589 Dcstal, J., degree, 59 Doty, E. W., appointments, 321, 504 Doty, J. R., appointment, 735 scholarship, 159 Doty, L. D., appointments, 392, 651 Douglas, D. D., degree, 407 Douglas, E. K., degree, 724 Douglas, I. E., appointments, 303, 652 Douglass, J. T., appointments, 37, 97, 277, 532, 62-1 Douglass, O. T., appointment, 256 Douglass, \V. L., degree, 707 Doutbit, D., appointments, 4^0, 507, 669 Douthit, R. L., degree, 23 1 Dowd, D. R.., appointments, 180, 294 Downey, M. J,f degree, 496 Downs, W . B., appointments, 33f, 636 Doyle, E. A., appointment, 278 Dnyle, I. M-, degree, 719 Doyle, J. D. P., degree, 721 Doyle, J. E., degree, 733 Doyle, K., appointments, 280, 619 Doyle, M., appointments, 443, 676 Drach, G. E., degree, 228 Draffin, J. O., appointments, 304, 654 Drafting tables, gift, 69 Drain, L. J., degree, 229 Drainage, Embarass River, 541 Drainage district, Clayton-Bennington, appropriation, 73 Drake, A. E., degree, 60 Driver,300,R.,E.,degree,218279187 683 expense, Drive, F.E.H.,budget,2^1718 733 261 Driebusch,498F.,appointments, 684 Dreyer,J.E.,649degree,expense,331, Drew, E.J.,A.certificate, 241233budget, Dressier,G.F.C.,deathdegree,496145 Drayer,LincolnE.,degree,500 37135 Drews, E. F., fees,651 716 Dresner,R. L., appointment, Drenckpohl,certificate,231 of, Dremann,M H., 686 Engineering, Dreman,I.,J.,degree,benefit, Drees, salary,M.tbiography 723 Drechslcr, appropriation, 719 Drawings,Generaldegree, 228 Drawing,A..S.,C.,degree, 78, Draper,D.G.P.,302,degree,406 Drake, G. C appointment, degree,C.H. Hall, contract, Technical, V. W., 732 laboratory H.,H-, 35 757 Driver, O. W., degree, 406 Droba, H. J., appointments, 424, 685 Drosdoff, M., degree, 717 Drug Room and Dispensary, budget, Balary, 68c Drummond, R. M., degree, 218 Dry, V., degree, 228 Drying of clay wares, 73, 83, 585 Dubin, E. A., degree, 714 DuBois, F. S., appointments, 37, 125 Duckies, D., degree, 711 Duell, G. L., degree, 223 Duell, H. H., degree, 713 Dueringer, W , F., degree, 225 Duffey, H, R., appointment, 64 degree, 34 Duffy, F. M., appointment, 37 degree, 389 Duffy, H. E., appointment, 37 Duffy, R. E., degree, 222 DuMont, M, S., degree, 731 Dunbar, L. B., appointments, no, 290, 640 Duncan, Donald C , degree, 225 Duncan, Dorothy C.„ decree, 218 Dundas, B., appointment, 311 Dungsn, G. H., appointments, 310, 660 Dunham, C. F., appointments, 297, 647 degree, 222 Dunham, G. H., appointment, 180 Dunkin, P. S., appointments, 146, 287, 637 Dunlap, F., appointments, 281, 630 Dunlap, H. M., appointments, 356, 599 Dunlap, M. N., degree, 721 Dtinlop, S. G., degree, 133 Dunn, C. B., appointments, 287, 636 Dunne, N. P., degree, 62 Dunnington, M, W., degrees, 21P, 726 scholarship, 160 Dunseth, C. A,, appointments, 283, 631 Dunten, B. L., degree, 390 DuPont Company, gifts, ic, ri8, 438. 476 Durand, A. P., appointments, 320, 505, 671 Durham, D. G-, degree, 131 Durin, M. A., degree, 707 Durst, C. E., manuscript to be published, 246 Dutler, H. C , degree, 61 Dutour, E. M., degree, 408 Dutour, M. R-, degree, 130 Duty, court decision, 81 Duvall, H. M., degree, 218 Duwe, G. L., commission, 724 Duzansky, W., degree, 733 Dvorak, R. F., appointments, 279,321, 627, 671 Dyas, F. G-, appointments, T44, 696 Dyas, R. C , degree, 218 Dylans, F. A., appointment, 548 Eckels, B.CA.,degree, 218,711244, 660 Echelberger,G.,160,degree, 424302 286, Eby, L.H.I.S.,degrees, 707712549. 637 Eadie,M.ML.,E.degree,226degree, 710660 635 Eberspacher,A.,appointment,498 Eberhardt, ,B.,degree, 707 715 Ebeling,M. .A.,appointments,727 Ebbert,M.,T., Jr., degree, 37, 311, Eaton,W J.G.,, W., degree,392 3ir, East, J.E. Cappointment,225 Easley, K.,221,degree, 707 Earnill, R. E., E., Enriey, M. E.E.degree, 717 Dzikas, A.,B., appointments, Dyson, ,J. V.,159 Jr., 409 Earl, M. M., degree, 719 Eakins, G. H., C728 Eads, A. K., degree, 712 scholarship, degree,6c degree**, appointments, T. V., degree, 721 719
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