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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6o6 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June io 9. From the Grinnell Company, Inc., of Providence, Rhode Island, one Grinnell Thermolier with auxiliary equipment, including the motor for its operation, valued at $350, for the use of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. 10. From Eli Lilly Company the sum of $1800 for the continuation of the research fellowship established in 1928. (Board Minutes, September 20, 1928, page 10). 11. From the Cold Metal Process Company, Youngstown, Ohio, the sum of $1200 for the establishment of a fellowship for an x-ray study by the Department of Chemistry of the rolling and heat-treating of metals. This report w a s received for record. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (7) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER M A Y j , J930, TO MAY3/, J930 Lease executed under general regulations: Rental to (See action of Board, April 12, 1924) received by be the Leased to Property University Louis Nahin & Store Room, 175 West $540 per annum 8 Sam Edelman Polk St., Chicig to Dale Tenure March 5, 1930 May 1, 1930 to April 30, 1931 HASE 0RD1IRS ISSlJED IN MA Y AMOUNTING7 TO PURC. $1 000 0i MORE R Vendor Item Electric Coal Company Coal A ppropriation Made in Budget Amount Department Procedure Fr o $1080 00 Physical Physical Plant Quoted Price Plant Operation Schaar and Company Chemical 1404 68 General General Chemical Competitive1 Apparatus Chemical Stores Stores 2654 80 General E. H. Sargent and Chemical General Chemical Competitive1 Company Apparatus Chemical Stores Stores E. H. Sargent and Pyrei Glass- 2561 76 General General Chemical Competitive1 Company ware Chemical Stores Stores Rascher and Betzold Chemical General Chemical Competitive1 1854 42 General Apparatus Chemical Stores Stores A. Daigger and Com- Chemical General Chemical Competitive1 1953 43 General pany Apparatus Chemical Stores Stores m i 86 General W . M . Welch Scientific Chemical General Chemical Competitive1 Company Apparatus Chemical Stores Stores Allis-Chalmers Manu- Pumps and 2600 00 Supervising Filtration Plant Competitive1 facturing Company Motors Architect Geo. Banta Publishing Printing and 1265 00 University History of Campus Competitive2 Company Binding Press Plan (11) American Can Com- Cans 2335 67 Horticulture Olericulture Sta- Contract" pany tion 1930-31 Audiffren Refrigerat- Refrigerating 5849 00 Supervising Physical Plant Quoted1 ing Machine ComUnit Architect Extension pany Approved by Board of Trustees, M a y 9, 1930. •Approved by President Kinley, M a y 20, 1930. H. •Reported to the Board of Trustees, December 11, 1923. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent T h i s report w a s received for record.
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