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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

584 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 9 6. The following gifts have been received, as indicated, from the Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Company and the American Railway Engineering Association in support of experiments by Professor W . N . Wilson, Department of Civil Engineering, to determine allowable bearing pressure on the edge of large rollers: Scherzer American Rolling Railway Lift Bridge Engineering Year Company Association Total 1926-27 $500 $500 1927-28 $240 240 1928-29 600 600 1929-30 300 360 660 Total $800 $1 200 $2 000 The gift of the Scherzer Company in 1929 was reported to the Board on September 1 8, 1929 (Minutes, page 366). The other gifts have not hitherto been reported. T h e foregoing, therefore, constitutes a complete record of the gifts received for this investigation. 7. The following botanical specimens for the University Herbarium: 20 specimens, plants of Honduras and Salvador, Value $5.00 Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois 95 specimens, from Block Island, R. I., Value $10.00 William Trelease 300 specimens, plants of Texas and Illinois, Value $30.00 E. R. Bogusch, Assistant in Botany, University of Illinois 420 specimens, Piperaceae of South America, Value $84.00 Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. I have authorized the acceptance of these gifts. T h i s report w a s received for record. GIFT OF MR. ROBERT F. CARR FOR RESEARCH WORK ON ALLERGY (14) O n February 20, 1930 (Minutes, page 530), I reported that the Honorable Robert F. Carr had given the University the sum of $900 for research work on allergy (asthma, hay fever, etc.) in the College of Medicine. I should have added that this was thefirstpayment on a gift of $1800 made by Mr. Carr, the balance to be paid six months later. T h i s report w a s received for record. COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATION OF OIL-SULPHUR COMBINATIONS AS INSECTICIDES A N D FUNGICIDES (15) A request from the Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Head of the Department of Horticulture for approval of an agreement with the Crop Protection Institute, whose headquarters are at Durham, N e w Hampshire, for a cooperative investigation to determine the insecticidal and fungicidal effects of certain oil-sulphur combinations by the Agricultural Experiment Station. This agreement is drawn for a period of one year beginning M a y 1, 1930, with a provision that it m a y be extended for additional periods. The Institute agrees to pay $4,000 for the expenses of this investigation, $1,000 being payable at once and the balance in installments of $1,000 each payable on August 1, 1930, November 1, 1930, and February r, 1931. I recommend approval of this agreement. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this a g r e e m e n t w a s a p p r o v e d . EXTENSION OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS (16) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Engineering that the followingwith June 1Aggregate. This investigations bepaid in a total of $5,000 Concrete will expire Light of this year. The Brick Company extended: on June 1, 1929, and mader. agreements with the Western Company became effective Agreement for cooperative agreement has for an investigation of to cover
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