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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I930] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 529 Illinois Industrial University which apparently was taken at that time but of which no formal record is kept. Respectfully submitted, George B. Franks Mayor of the City of Champaign In accordance with this request and the instructions of the Board I requested the Legal Counsel of the University, Judge Sveinbjorn Johnson, and the Supervising Architect, Professor James M . White, to look into this matter and to report their findings to me. These officers investigated the matter thoroughly and made a report to m e advising that the records of the University and the City on this matter, although incomplete, showed to their satisfaction that such exchange of lots was made in 1867 in fact; that Wright Street was shifted some sixty-six (66) feet more or less from its old location by the University Board of Trustees apparently with the informal consent of the City; that the transaction in effect consisted of locating Wright Street through a certain portion of its length on lots owned by the University, the University receiving in return an equivalent amount of land which had been theright-of-wayof the street before the change. Our Legal Counsel prepared, therefore, a resolution which, in bis opinion, should be adopted by the Board in order to clear the record of this transaction, and I concur in his recommendation that this resolution be adopted. At the previous session of this meeting as above recited, you instructed m e to submit this matter to the Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Executive Committee has informed m e that inasmuch as the matter has come to a head at a time when the Board was to be in session, the Committee would prefer to have the matter submitted directly to the Board. In compliance with his request I a m doing so. This resolution recommended is as follows: RESOLUTION CONCERNING ACTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY TAKEN IN 1867 CONFIRMING THE RELOCATION OF WRIGHT STREET FROM SPRINGFIELD A VENUE TO UNIVERSITY A VENUE W H E R E A S , the records of the University of Illinois show that in the year 1867, in furtherance of a program of campus enlargement, a tier of lots to the west of the Institute grounds (now a part of Illinois Field) was purchased by the Illinois Industrial University, and Wright Street was then moved about sixty-six feet west of its location previous to that time, and located upon lots then acquired by the University of Illinois; and W H E R E A S , such lots referred to in said records arc described as follows: Lots 105, 106, 139, 140, 173, 174, 207, and 208, of the Subdivision of the South Part of Lot One (1) of the Southwest Quarter (SWJfl of Section Eighteen (18), Township Nineteen (19) North, Range Nine (9) East of the Third (3d) Principal Meridian, in Champaign County, Illinois: and W H E R E A S , the records of the University of Illinois show the actual consideration paid for said lots by the University, and the records in the Office of the Recorder of Champaign County, in Urbana, Illinois, show the recording of deeds to all of said lots, transferring the title to the Trustees of Illinois Industrial University; and W H E R E A S , a plat of Wright Street as it was relocated in 1867 is onfilein the Office of said Recorder in Book A, page 156, and certified to by J. M . Healey, the City Engineer, of Champaign, Illinois; and W H E R E A S , the said plat shows that said lots above described by a strip sixty-six feet wide were bought by the Illinois Industrial University and given by them for street purposes in exchange for a corresponding area of Wright Street as originally platted and said plat shows the relocating and widening of said street to its present width andto theof E A or,representative of the University thepurposes; and Wright agent by during neither nor W H E R eightymomentall of street Board of Trustees of has questioned the use of up any Street S the public for said period highway Illinois the University of Illinois present feet; and since of occurrence above narrated, and
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