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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 455 A D J O U R N M E N T TO D E C E M B E R 1 2 O n motion of Mr. Barr, i was voted that when this meeting is adt journed, i be adjourned to Thursday, December ia, at i o'clock t p.m. sharp, at the University. T H E TREASURERSH1P O n motion of Mr. Barr, the President of the Board was requested to appoint a special committee of three members of the Board, to examine into the affairs of the Treasurer and to report to the Board at the adjourned session on December 12. President Armstrong appointed M r . Trees, M r . Barr, and M r . Fisher to serve on this committee, and stated that in case any one of the three shouldfindit impossible to serve, he, himself would act as a member of the committee instead. LOCATION OF PRESIDENT'S H O U S E Dr. Noble presented a motion that when the new residence for the President is built, it be located on the Horticulture tract, facing Florida avenue, and about one and one-half blocks east of Lincoln avenue. After discussion, this motion was carried, by a vote of four for to two against, with two members present and not voting. PLANS FOR PRESIDENT'S H O U S E Mr. Barr, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, made a report of progress on the plans for the President's house. D E G R E E S IN M E D I C I N E The Secretary presented for record a l s of graduates of the College of it Medicine on w h o m the degree of M . D . had been conferred according to rule, from July 1 to December, 1929. Conferred July 7, 1929 Carey M. Smith Conferred August 1, 1929 Arthur Melville Schorr, B.S. Conferred. August /J, 1929 Herbert John Kirchner, B.S. Lawrence Forrest Whittaker, B.S. Conferred September 1, 1929 Casimir Arthur Cywinski Conferred September 12, 1929 John Talbot Gernon, B.S. Conferred October /, 1929 Morris Robert Weidner, Jr. Conferred October /j, 1929 Aquil Mastri, B.S. Herbert John Wing Charles Raymond Summers, B.S. Conferred November 1, 1929 Edward Karl Steinkopff Vern William Ritter, B.S.
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