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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
454 board of trustees [December 4 The Board expressed its pleasure at the successful manner in which this work is being conducted. S A L A R Y O F PROFESSOR W. J. R. C A M P (33) M y attention has been called by Dean Davis to a misunderstanding and probably a consequent error in the salary of Dr. W . J. R. C a m p of the College of Medicine. His salary was made $4200 for the current year according to the budget instead of $4500, recommended by Dean Davis. I have reviewed the case and recommend that his salary be $4500 instead of $4200, effective September ], last, and that he be paid the amount due him on the $4500 basis for the months of September, October, and November. O n motion of D r . Noble, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. PAVING OF WRIGHT STREET (34) At its meeting on November 15 the Board approved a recommendation for the paving of Wright Street in accordance with the suggestions of the Supervising Architect with the provision that the Board does not thereby waive any rights in the property and with the proviso that unless there be any engineering or other valid objections the paving befifty-twofeet wide throughout. The Supervising Architect submits a letter with reference to the matter, setting forth that the Board of Local Improvements of Champaign are unanimously of the opinion that a width of thirty-seven feet north of Springfield Avenue would be sufficient. O n motion of M r . Barr, the B o a r d reaffirmed its request that this p a v e m e n t b e m a d e fifty-two feet wide throughout. DECEMBER QUARTERLY MEETING The President of the University stated that he knew of no business to come up which would require another meeting of the Board in December. It was voted, on motion of Mr. Trees, that the quarterly meeting scheduled for December 10 be not held. M C K I N L E Y HOSPITAL R E P O R T Dr. Noble, for the special committee on the McKinley Hospital, made a report of progress and stated that he hoped to report later in the day. N A M I N G STREETS A N D BUILDINGS Mr. Barr, for the special committee on naming streets and buildings, made a report of progress and asked for more time. CARTER-PENNELL FARMS Mrs. Busey, for the Committee on Agriculture, made a recommendation that the proposed contracts for the operation of the CarterPennell farms for next year be approved, as presented at the last meeting. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was adopted. LOCATION O F PRESIDENT'S H O U S E Mr. Barr, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, reported that the four members of the committee present had met during the luncheon hour, and that two members were in favor of the site south of the Forestry and two in favor of the site on the Horticulture tract. There being an even division, the Committee refers the matter to the Board without recommendation. O n motion of Mr. Barr, discussion of this matter was postponed.
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