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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 453 On motion of Mrs. Busey, this contract was awarded as recommended. CONTRACT FOR PRINTING OF ANNUAL. REGISTER (29) A report from the Acting Purchasing Agent of quotations received for printing the 1929-30 Annual Register. The Acting Purchasing Agent and the Director of the University Press recommend that the contract be placed with the lowest bidder, the Illinois Printing Company of Danville, Illinois, on the basis of their quotation, $5,965 f. o. b. Urbana. I concur. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this contract w a s a w a r d e d to the lowest bidder, the Illinois Printing C o m p a n y , as r e c o m m e n d e d . OFFER OF THE BORDEN COMPANY OF NEW YORK FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH W O R K (30) A letter from Dean Davis, dated November 30, informs m e that The Borden Company of N e w York City offers the University $2,000 for investigation (1) into the value of "powdered, whole, lactic acid milk" which, I understand, is produced by a subsidiary of The Borden Company (known as the Merrell-Soule Powdered Whole Lactic Acid Milk); also (2) on the comparative efficiency of the powdered product vs. the addition of U. S. P. lactic acid tofluidmilk, vs. liquid lactic acid milk; also of (3) comparative convenience in preparation and feeding; and finally, (4) palatableness of the milk, absence of undue sourness. This work would be done by Dr. Julius H. Hess and his associates of our Department of Pediatrics. I recommend that this offer be accepted in accordance with the regulations of the Board concerning such gifts. O n motion of D r . Noble, this offer w a s accepted as r e c o m m e n d e d . AUTOMOBILE FOR THE PRESIDENT (31) A letter from Professor J. M . White, presented without recommendation. December 3, 1929 President David Kinley, jjj Administration Building ( W ) M y Dear President Kinley: I wish you would submit this communication to the Board of Trustees. The University Cadillac automobile was purchased in December, 1926, and the speedometer shows a mileage of 47,821 miles. A private owner using such a car for the out-of-town service for which it is needed would certainly trade it in, if an advantageous offer could be obtained. The trade-in value of the car is from $1,000 to $1,200. There is a newfive-passengerstandard Lincoln sedan in stock in Champaign which is regularly priced at $4,500, which is offered to us at $3,500. This is practically the price we would have to pay under normal conditions i we traded in the Cadillac. f W e can use the Cadillac to excellent advantage locally, and I believe under the circumstances we should keep it and buy the new car, which I believe is large enough for most of the service for which a University President will need it, and that in some respects it is a better-sized car for general travel than the larger one. The car as priced is fully equipped with the exception of a heater. I recommend that an appropriation of $3,600 be made, or as much thereof as is necessary, to be used for the purchase of a five-passenger, standard, Lincoln sedan for the President of the University. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect On motion of Mr. Trees, the Supervising Architect was asked to investigate the matter and to make a recommendation at the next meeting. RESEARCH WORK BY work conducted byTHE STAFFA. Noyes and other members of the staff. research MEMBERS OF Professor W . (32) A report on
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