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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 437 present north line of the cemetery. The part of that 160 acres fronting on Lincoln Avenue was bought in two parcels, and the Augustus tract fronting on Lincoln Avenue and south of the Forestry extends the University ownership to Florida Street. There is a section corner stone in the intersection of Lincoln and Florida, and a half-section stone in Lincoln Avenue on the north line of the Forestry. The deeds for the two pieces which were a part of the 160 acres called for property south to the north line of the Augustus property which is the north cemetery line extended, and the deed for the Augustus property gives us title from that point to the section line. These deeds, therefore, give the University title to a continuous strip of property between Florida and the north line of the Forestry. There is no question but that Pennsylvania Avenue from Lincoln to Fourth is entirely on the 160 acres referred to in the minutes as the Model Farm. The Gallivan Addition as platted extends over on to the University property approximately three feet. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect This report was received for record. CONTRACT WITH DEFOREST PHONOFILMS, INC. (31) A letter from the Legal Counsel: October 25, 1929 President David Kinley, J55 Administration (W.) My Dear President Kinley: I enclose copy of a letter written yesterday to the General Talking Pictures Corporation, 218 West Forty-second Street, N e w York City, to call attention to the contract with the D e Forest Phonofilms, Inc., concerning the Jacob Kunz patent. Yours very truly, Sveinbjorn Johnson Legal Counsel October 24, 1929 General Talking Pictures Corporation, 21S West Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: This is to call attention to the contract with D e Forest Phonofilms, Inc., concerning the Jacob Kunz patent, no. 1381474, under which you have made one quarterly report, namely for the quarter ending March 31, 1929. The Business Office has, in several communications and by telegraph, called attention to your failure to make the quarterly accounting as stipulated in paragraph 7 of the contract. You are in default for two quarters at this time. The eleventh paragraph in the contract reads as follows: "The Licensor shall have the right to terminate this agreement i the f Licensee shall fail or refuse to comply fully with the terms hereof. In case the Licensor desires to terminate this agreement because of any default of the Licensee, the Licensor shall serve notice in writing upon the Licensee stating the character of such default and its intention to terminate this agreement. The Licensee shall then have thirty (30) days within which to comply with the terms of this agreement and in case of its failure to do so, this agreement shall become ipso facto terminated." This matter has been referred to m y office for attention, and will you kindly communicate with m e in this connection immediately? Yours very truly, Sveinbjorn Johnson O n motion of M r . Barr, the President of the University w a s authorized to serve legal notice to terminate this contract. INVESTIGATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE ARCHES (32) A request from Assistant Dean Jordan of the College of Engineering for approval Agriculture for an investigation of Public Roads of the United be made by the Enof an agreement with the Bureauof reinforced concrete arches toStates Department of
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