Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 417 REBATES ON ASSESSMENTS (30) A statement from the Acting Comptroller showing amounts due the University as refunds on special assessments: REFUNDS DUE THE UNIVERSITY FROM THE CITY OF CHAMPAIGN ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Amount of refunds Stadium Drive Armory Avenue Fourth Street Scott Sanitary Sewer Amount received (Stadium Drive) Balance due $2 890 96 This report w a s received for record. $2 308 56 784 92 1 459 17 646 87 $5 199 52 2 308 56 THANKS FROM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (31) A letter from the President of the Alumni Association: September 21, 1929 Mr. David Kinley, President, University of Illinois Dear President Kinley: Will you kindly convey to the Board of Trustees the thanks of the officers of the Alumni Association for the $3000.00 appropriation for the improvement of the Alumni News? With the aid of this appropriation the Alumni News can accomplish its purpose much better than would otherwise be possible, and the help from the Board of Trustees i very much appreciated. s Sincerely, C. S. Pillsbury This report w a s received for record. BOND OF ACTING COMPTROLLER (32) A report that proper action has been taken to transfer the bond of Mr. Morey to the Acting Comptroller during Mr. Morey's absence. The name of Mr. Morey was removed from this schedule bond effective September 1, 1929, and the name of Mr. Edwards was added as at that date in the amount of $25,000 which was the amount of Mr. Morey's bond. Before this change was made, i was necessary for Mr. Edwards tofilethe usual application for bond. t When Mr. Morey returns the only action which will be necessary will be to replace his name and remove that of Mr. Edwards from the schedule. This report w a s received for record. ROYALTIES FOR KUNZ CELL (33) A report from the Comptroller that no report of royalties due from the General Talking Films Corporation, successors to DeForest Phonofilms, Inc., for the use of the Kunz cell, has been received since December 1, 1928. On motion of Mr. Trees, the President of the University was authorized to direct the Legal Counsel to take this matter up with the General Talking Films C o m p a n y , and to take whatever action m a y be necessary. AUTHORITY TO MAKE PURCHASES (34) A letter to the Legal Counsel and an opinion of the Legal Counsel on the matter of the authority of the Purchasing Agent to act after an appropriation has been made by the Board. September 30, 1929 Judge Sveinbjorn Johnson, 316 Law Building Dear Judge Johnson: At the last meeting of the Board the question was raised whether the laws of the Board of Trustees, as they have existed since 1908, do, as a matter of fact, give the