Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
384 board of trustees [September 18 Lease Contracts executed under general regulations: Leased to Property Rental Date Peter Scholl Residence at 1207 W . $45 oopermonth August 13, 1929 Stoughton St., Urbana PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY AMOUNTING TO $1000 OR MORE Department Firm Description Amo\ut Procedure n Physical Plant Graybar Electric Company Lead Covered Cablegi 9 7 5 Competitive 8 ° Supervising Architect Jones and Laughlin Com- Sheet Piling i 2 1 J Competitive 4 8 Spiral Pipe 2 1 2 0 Quoted Supervising Architect pany 3 6 Works Forge and Pipe Taylor Banta Publishing Printing of Mono- 2 University Press George 0 0 0 Contract 0 0 Company graphs Supervising Architect Belson Manufacturing Electrical Equipment 1 5 7 0 Competitive1 6 3 Company Registrar's Office VV. M. Welch Manufactur- Diplomas 3 1 9 0 Competitive 1 5 ing Company Physical Education for F. K. Robeson Bath Towels 1 2 0 8 Competitive 6 5 Men Sherwin Williams Com- Flat Wall Paint 1 2 0 O Competitive 0 O Physical Plant pany Paper and Envelopes 1 2 0 0 Competitive Office Supply Store 0 0 J. W . Butler Paper Com- Cans pany 1 4 1 7 Contract Horticulture 6 9 Physical Plant Dodge BrothersCompany Two Dodge Trucks 4 4 4 6 Quoted American Can 5 0 Approved by the Board of Trustees, July 17, 1929. Tenure August 15, 1929 to August 14, 1930 H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent P U R C H A S E ORDERS ISSUED DURING T H E M O N T H OF A A M O U N T I N G TO $1000 OR M O R E Department Firm Description Amount Animal Husbandry I. W . Maxwell Corn $ 1 500 00 Physical Plant Wallace and Tiernan Chlorinator i 306 50 Physical Plant Electric Coal Company Coal 1 746 72 Office Supply Store Moser Paper Company Paper 2 584 84 Supervising Architect Hughes-Krabbe Sheraduct Conduit 1 449 00 Print Shop Illinois Printing Company Presswork and Bind- 2 926 30 ing 100 00 Cable Piano Company School of Music Supervising Architect Steel Furniture Company LecturePiano Chairs2 500 00 1 Grand Room Physical Plant Electric Coal Company Coal 1 440 00 Physical Plant Frank Paiton Lumber Lumber 1 347 00 Company Laundering of Towels 2 500 00 Physical Education for for Fiscal Year 1929-30 White Line Laundry Men Physical Plant Crane Company Pipe 1 072 66 Arranged by Mr. J. A. Morrow. 'Proposals requested by Supervising Architect. 'Piano selected by Professor F. B. Stiven. UGUST Procedure Quoted Quoted Quoted1 Competitive Competitive3 Competitive Quoted3 Competitive Quoted1 Competitive Quoted Competitive H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent This report was received for record, and the President of the University was requested to consult the Legal Counsel on the matter of authority to make purchases. LANDSCAPING THE CAMPUS At this point, M r . Barr presented a report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. September 18, 1929 Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds presents the attached report o sub-committee on Landscaping as i s report, and recommends that the same be t adopted by the Board as the report of this committee. George A. Barr W. L. Noble Helen M. Grigsby Merle J. Trees