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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3^5 Salary 3. Carita Robertson, Instructor (10 mos.) $ 2 700 4. Angela Kitzinger, Instructor (10 mos.) 2 200 5. A n n A. Smith, Instructor (10 mos.) 1 200 6. Elizabeth Noyes, Instructor (10 mos.) 2 000 7. Catherine Richter, Instructor (10 mos.) 1 900 8. lone M . Johnson, Assistant (10 mos.) 2 000 9. Laura J. Huelster, Assistant (10 mos.) 2 000 10. Alice Bonar, Assistant {yi time;Women 10 mos.) Total, Physical Education for J 25800 140 ] 1. Eloise Lukeman, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 140 Health Service (including Hygiene) 12. Elizabeth Goodrich, Custodian (C. S.) 1 200 1. J. H . Beard, Professor of Hygiene (Indef.), University Health Officer (1 yr.) $ 6 000 1. V. A. Ross, Assistant Health Officer, Senior Medical Adviser for M e n (1 yr.) 4 500 3. Maude L. Etheredge, Professor of Hygiene (Indef.), Medical Adviser for W o m e n (1 yr.) 4 000 4. J. R. Cain, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, Medical Adviser for M e n (1 yr.) 3 750 5. Ethel E. Little, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for W o m e n (1 yr.) 3 000 6. Virgil M . Gilchrist, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for W o m e n (1 yr.) 2 750 7. G. R. Blackstone, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for M e n (1 yr.) 3 000 8. H. C. Gebhart, Associate in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for M e n (1 yr.) 3 S°o Total, Health Assistant 9. M a y Millbrook, Service in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for W o m e n % 42 000 MILITARYyr.) (1 2 500 i. C. W . Weeks, Professor Hygiene, Medical and Tactics e (1 yr.) 900 10. L. D. Lewis, Assistant inof Military ScienceAdviser for M (1nyr.).. .$ 3 000 2. , Storeroom Service 11. L. N . Judah, Assistant in Hygiene, Medical Adviser for M e n (1 yr.) 32 400 000 3. Jennie Brandstadt, Assistant in Hygiene, Medical 1 500 12. W a y n e L. McWilliams (Mrs.), Stenographer (C. S.) Adviser for 4. Josephine(1 yr.) 260 M e n Madigan, Stenographer (C. S.) 31 000 5. Frances Lee, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 020 6. Five student assistants to give instruction in Military Science ($10 per mo.) 500 7. 160 student assistantships for cadet officers ($25 per semester) 8 000 Total, Military J 19 080 8. 65 student assistantships for bandmen ($25 per semester), and WOMAN'S RESIDENCE HALLS services of band members at commencement 3 500 1. Beulah E. Gradwohl, House Manager of the Woman's Residence Hall and the West Residence Hall (12 mos.) ? 3 ooo1 2. Ida A. Ewald (Mrs.), Director of Social Activities in the West Residence Hall (10 mos.) 9001 3. Ella F. Boyd (Mrs.), Director of Social Activities in the Woman's 'With maintenance, including living quarters, board, and personal laundry, while on duty. Residence Hall (10 mos.) 9001 Salaries paid from the operating profits of the halls and not included in the budget total.
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