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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

io8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 9 Appendix I RESIDENCE HALLS SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 1 2 - 9 TO DECEMBER is, 1928 982 Woman's Davenport Residence Residence Total Halls Hall Summer Session Surplus #1 473 34 J 1 473 34 5 ^Yinter Term Surplus: September 12 to October 15, 1928 5 983 80 937 08 6 920 88 October 1; to November 1;, 1928 5 99° 58 982 45 6 973 03 November is to December 15, 1928 6 064 83 97s 17 7 040jdo Total Surplus from Operations 1028-20 to December 15, 1028 19 512 55 2 894 70 22 407 25 Deduct: Extraordinary Repairs, Equipment, Remodeling, and June 15-September 12, 1928, Miscellaneous Expense 16 508 73 5 255 81 21^ 764 54 Appendix II Unused 1928-29 Surplus from Operations 3 003 82 2 361 n 1 642 71 STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND Add: AS AT D E C E M B E R 31, 1928 Balance forward June is, 1928 114 886 01 9 904 07 124 79° ^8 Receipts and Disbursements Surplus as at December /j, 1028 #117 889 83 £7 542 96 JS125 432 79 July j, 1028 to Prior to December 31, Total July J, 1028 1028 to Date Receipts From Subscriptions $1 663 030 45 #6 380 90 $1 669 411 35 From Donations 5 008 12 63 80 s 071 92 From Interest 26 451 49 455 91 26 907 40 From Loans 44 000 00 7 500 oo2 36 500 00 Total Receipts )5i 738 490 06 $ 599 39s $\ 737 890 67 Disbursements Office Collection Expense 244 643 244 6 V Construction I 73 5 635 78 I 735 f>3S 78 Total Disbursements fii 735 635 78 j 244 64 $1 735 880 42 S Cash Balance $ 201025 Balance Sheet Assets Cash $ 201025 Due from Pledge Installments 'Deficit—deduct. Past Due Installments $ 485 990 04 'Deduction due to repayment of loan. Future Installments 4 859 00 490 849 04 3To be refunded by Athletic Association. Due from Athletic Association for Office Expense 244 64 Total Assets $ 493 103 93 Liabilities and Surplus Notes Payable 36 too 00 Excess of Assets (including Unpaid Pledges) over Liabilities $ 456 603 93 This report was received for record.
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