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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS Tuihorn, D, B., degree. 256 Tw«db J, A., degree, 251 Tweed ie, F> 1+* degree, a6g Twichtll, H. F„ de$r«, $15 Twigg, C, E., appointments, 317. 4$; degree, 157 Twiggs. L.+ appointment, 517 Twin City Roofing Co., contract, 16& Twilchell, Br E., degree, 249 Twitchell, H- E-. decree, 149 TJeber, W J., degree. 63* Tygert, G,, L, degree, 446 Uhlir, W - J. degree, 261 Tykoccner, G.. T,. appointment, 342 l^reyh R, appuintment, 73 Tyler, O..W.. scholarship, 584 Lllum, Zn D., Appointment, Tyhnan, 5,appointment, 316 364 Umnus, Jr, degree, certificate, 39B Tyntr, CL, E., C.PhA. i6o Unencumbered balances ^appropriated, 367 Uniforms, military, cleaning, 8 contract, e University, budgetary needs, i92i-2Qt 644 University and Accountancy Act, 462 5tr also Accoomancy Act University eihibit. Denial Congress, 592 Philadelphia, 5.72 Products Exposition, 43 Univenity Hall, budget, appropriation, 363 repairing tower, 47 University Hosphal, ut Hospital, University; Hospital. f^cKinley Uni*rersity policyV commercial activities, 38ft cooperative research, 330 manufacture of chemicals, 150 medical staff, appointments, 145 osteopathic practitioners, 42; patents, 1 is infringement, 88 practitioners, appointment, 455 VftCls, M , E-i Chicago hospitals, 376 University 11, A., budget, 617 Vagthutg, Press, decree, 31S Upturn, E. J., degree, 253 Vahlteich, H. W., Appoint mem. 73 Urbana lighting decree, 429 49J Valbert, J. i\\, system, 415, Urbancek, J. J,, degree. So Valentine, R, C.+ decree, 253 U. £r Department of Agriculture, funds, 29ft Valentine* R, W.p appointment, 333 Usher. B., Kr G*. appointments, 349, 353 V&nAken, appointments, [67. 388 UsreyT Vr. R., degree, 257 leave of absence, J47 Uthoff, C. J7 appointment, 471 Vin tfeilehem. L, B., degree, 430 degrees, 268, L., Van Carpenter. 446 fellowship, 277 UtilitiesCr E,, degree, 260 agreement, 639 Vance, Research committee, UtLey, Mj, G*, appointments, 330 332 Vance, . L,, appointment, 344, Utter F. \L, scholarship, 5S4 Vance, P., appointment, 317 Utterbact, W „ Qdegree. 613 154 Vance, P, A, , degree, Utxig, R. appointments, Vance, E-, E.. degree, 249 iS, in, 327 degree, 611 Van Cleave, H. J,} appointments, 203, 330 V and a veer. F. E„ degree, 265 Van Derbeelt, H. J., appointment, 340 Vander Kloot. A., appointments. 380, 455 Vandermark, W . R., degree, 614 699 Vander Floeg, J, E. M., appointment, 5S6 Van Dervoort, L. A., degree. 149 Vandervoort, P. W., degree, 621 Vandervoft, ).. appointments. 73, 347, 353 Van Doiak, D-, degree, 79 Van Doom, J, A „ JrT, degree, 313 Van Duzer, H E., appointments, 73, 337 Van Dyke, G. E„ appointment, sSf> V m Dyke. George E., degree, 621 Van Dyke, R. EL, appointment, 324 degree, 615 Van Gerpen, M. IL, degree. 611 Van Gundy, A, J,, appointment, 326 V*n Hazc$r W,, appointments, 344, 379, 455 Van Home, Jr, appointments, 330, 525 sidcleave,ft3 Vaniman, V., appointment, 352 Van Liew, V, C., degree, 621 Van Lone, Gr £., degree, 263 Vanscoy, H. L.. CF.A. certificate, 638 Van Tress, R. T., degree, 618 Van Winkle, L, IT., degree, 269 Van Zanien. A-. appointments. 73, 319 Visold. N,, appointment, 353 Vaughan, W . IU. degTec, 264 Vaughn, P. A,, degree, 249 Vaughn, W , E,T degree, 612 Vawter, J-, appointment, 33ft Veach, V\, degree, fin VeatcK, C R., degrer, 6;i Vedcler H., appointment, 351 Vega, R. M , CF.A. certificate, 190 Veih], E. E-, commission, 622 degree, 617 Vencovsky, B, J.H degree, 269 Vener, II- I„ degree, 446 Vcalcra, N. J., degree, 514 Vergara, M . M,r degree, 6x6 Vernon, GT H,, Jr.t degree, 250 Vernon, W . L., Ci*,A, certificate. 44 Verrier, A. H., degree, 269 Vespa, D , degree, 616 Vespa, l>. R,, degree, 2fi Vict, C, E., degree. 260 Vicltery, K. ¥., scholarship, 2SJ Vienna experimentfield,discontinuance, 114 sale, 272, 29ft Villard, fr, JT, contract, 282 Vincent, HT R., degree, 267 Virgin, L. ML, degree, 260 Visotaky, H- A., degree, 269 Vliet, E. B+, degree, 312 Vocational trarninp, financial report, 417 Vogel, J, L., CP.A. certificate, 39K Vogel. S. A,, degree, 446 With,514J.M_,Jr.,appotntmenla,355202,356 356, Wagner, ; W degree, 6t6 Waggoner, J,,degree, 632458, Wages Wadepuhl, • F,degree, degree, Vrablik, F.. degree, 3096*6 Voyles. 3;6 degree. 23ft632 Voyles,P. B.,appointment, Vose, ofT.'Wf,V.degree, 621 Vwse, B. C-•E.,commission, 622 Vori*T £•. C^C.M,, -degtec,269 363 201, Voorhecs.C.R.,D.,appointments, 33s, Voorhees.S.,M.,E.,appointments,625 Von Ohlen,E.TJT,appointment, 479 334, Volpe,R,1-.J.}.CL,degree, degree,630 Voight,MC*Janitors,appointment, 453 327 Vralny, Volkmann, degree, salary, E.. cj^ G,. 411,
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