UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 701]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Treasurer of University, cont'd. election, 184 report, 10. 419 Trebileoek. P., portrait commission, 642 Trcdwefl, F. R., degree, 614 Trees, M , J,, elected to eKcutive committee, 1*4 Preiiden'. of Board, 54.2 Tree; and planting;, Stadium, 136 Treleaw, W., appointments, 323, $21 retirement, 635 1 renena rd. W . B.r degree, 515 Trevett, John R,, death, <io6 fui.rl.sl_ 642 resolutions, 637 Trickle, L. £,, degree, 175 Triggs, L_, F., appointment, 279 Trimble, C A,, 10 negotiaie £ale, 192 sale, Brown-Knlpp patent, 586 Trimble, H, D,, appointments, 200, 317, 522 Tripp, E, A,, appointment, 376 Tris&al, J. M.. degree, 256 Troche. E. R., degree, 256 Troth, D_, Cr, appointments. 33c, 522 Ttoutman, W . C.h appointment, 201 Trovillion, P. L.. degree, 2^7 Tro»bridgeT V. II,. appointmmts, 224, 329 Troxel, '. M., scholarship, -'* ;. ' • •' •• Truck garden experiment station. 42. >49h j68 Truck Gardners1 Assnr, Experiment Station reEort, 131 enbrod, (i. JJf degree, 257 True, J, H,T degree, 6t+ Tfummd, R. GT> appointmenr. 1 • • ;• , degree, 257 Trust funds, balance^ Nov. jod rp?j, 504 investments, 6, 103, 130, 144, T4S, 191, 196, 311, 387, 422, 504, 508, 64t resolution, 129, 212 roles for, 103, 148 $,et atto jttidrr Comptrollerh& quarterly reports Tschenke, H, H., appointment, ,.. \-: Tsrhemlce, \\. L+b appointment, 11 j degree, 2614 TucktT, H., appointment, 321 Tucker. L. R,, degree, 618 Tucker, M. F,T, degree, 6 n schr^farship, 5S5 Tucker, Rr E., deKree, 164 Tuley. W . F., appointment, 324 degree, 627 Tullocfc, G. F.. appointments, 49, 461 Tullock, W . M., appointment, 316 Tumminkatti, M. C., degree, 627 Tunick, S. S., degree, 17$ Turek, A. T.hD.,degree. 640, 317 TurbinchG.263 degree, 463 6T4326 Tupy, LHWappropriation,257act643 Tupper,I...regulations,269r74 73 341 317 Tunnicliffh624.W.^appointment, 333347 319 Tuttle, P. W..appointment, Tutoring,}r 106.A., appointment, Turton, WE.committee, 263 Turner, F. R.F.,HT,degree,621 103, Turnhul!. E.+W.,degree, 630 471 Tuthill. F. P., Jr., degree, degree,C. E. 400 appointment, degrees, H., appointment, • }' L. CY„ appoinlutein. / O. M>, decree. 7 J. F, appointment, W.. degree, K., degree, Hr, appointments,

Thompson, C. M.p appointments. 331, 333 Thompson, C. W., degree, 166 Thompson. 1;. G.f degree, 249 Thompson* E., degree, 631 Thompson, F, R.± appotntmeiiJs, tjtj, 455 ThocnpKHi, G. F-, appointment, 390 Thompson, H\ S.. C,P,A. certificate, 190 Tlminpstm, K L., degree, 631 Thompsonh L.h degree, 26$ Thompson^ R. D., degree, 612 Thom&en. A., appointment, 336 Thomsen, M., decree, 249 Thar, A. U., appointment, 346 Thorne, J. F., degree. 106 Trrarne, M. K., degree, 611 Thornhtll, W , R,, decree. 249 Thornsburgh, V. L-. degree, 611 Thornsburgh. Z. G,, degree, 172 Thornton, M , J,, degree, 446 Thretfceld, L, M., degree, 249 Thurn, A, R„ degree, 6 n Thurston, A. S., degree, 446 TiceT F., appointment. 389 emeritus professorship, 404 Tice, H, I., degree. 260 T'gJy, C. D., degree, 630 Tiling and grading, appropriation, 410 Tillman. P. E., C.P,Ar certificate. 100 Tiilotson, I*. E., appointment, 32$ Tinfiky, T-. appointment, 365 Tippet. W , Fh, degree. 44& Tipton, II. EtJ decree. &14 Tipton, J. Br, degree, 6zo Titafsky, I., degree. 169 Titanium Alloy Mfg. Cor, gift, 43 Tod, I., appointment, 310 Todd, L.h degree. 625 Toepfer, R. A., degree, 44G Tolch, M, A., appointment, 555 ToJer, H-, appointment, 327 TolJ&r, A. O., degree, 269 Tomjsclt. J. A-. degree, 617 Tornbjugh, R. R., degree, 6r8 Tomeclto, C. G., degree, 627 Tomlin. K. L», scholarship, A01 Tdmt, G„ appointment, 358 Toney. L. F*., degree. 249 Tookef, D. E.L degree. 51+ Toomey, A,h appointment. 363 Topper, M. A., degree, 260 Tornquisth Ah appointment, 341 length of service, 636 Torrcy, M. M.^ appointment, ifi Tosetti, A. C , degree, 616 Totte, C.J.J.,W..budget,155361114249 333 receive Townsend, B..1S4,degree,appointment, Tourer. F.j\,E. 128,542631degree. 328 190 Tou,ek.G.,63d,degree,A., 613 authority to Tranter, Cappointment, Tram. Transportation TT, jir Trakel B^, 0degree. TiLiih;-. G-,or. J\. appointment, Tracer,campusdegree* 266 194 Tracv. R. II.. University, 34E Tracy, R, An, appointment, certificate, Trabue,L.184, £,, degree, 515 To?ier, J.P,ijr degree, 62144617* Treasurer Mdegree, CP.A. Trautwein, C. regulations, bond. 88 balances, M. •atarics, E-h „ 439 decree. O, M. decree, money, 81