UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 691]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Public Service Co., Central Illinois, prosy, 190 Northern Illinois, proxy, 519 Public Utilities Scholarships, 44 Public Welfare Department, committee report, 56o Chicago hospitals, cooperation with, 287 University relations with, 4 JI Publicity, budget, 31S Puderer, P. C , degree, 619 Pudil, G- J-, degree, 270, 632 Pugh, C„ appointment, 379 degree, 629 Puph. P. E., degree, 624 Pugh, R. L.. degree, 618 PuIIen, E. M., degree, 619 Pumphrey, L. C , degree, 630 Punke, H. H., appointment, 72 degree, 263 Funtambeker, S, V.. appointment, 453 degree, 627 Purccll, J. S., degree, 80 Purchase orders, see under Comptroller's contracts Purchasing Division, budget, 316 Purdy, J. R., appointments, 329, 379 Puris, A. M.. appointment, 120 Purkins, J. F., retirement, 635 Purnelt Fund, budget, 344, 351 expense, 343 salaries, 343 Pursell, L. D,, degree, 618 Purvcs, H. ]., degree, 248 Pusey, L. G., degree, 6io Putnam, G. E., appointment, 554 Putnam, H. M., appointment, 335 Putnam, K. M-, appointments, 244, 358 Putnam, W . J., appointments, 202, 340, 523 Pyle, C. W., degree, 610 Pylc, W . A., degree, 80 Pyrometer, gift, 549 Quackenbush, B. H., degree, 616 Quade, M . M., degree, 256 prize, 27 J scholarship, 223 Quarters for military enlisted personnel, 387 Quick, G. F., degree, 513 Quigley, W . J., appointment, 389 Quill. L. L., appointment, 324 Quillan, B. B., degree, 253 Quiring, D. P., appointment, 331 Quirke, T. T., appointment, 327 leave of absence, 275 RAbe, L. L., scholarship, 602 Rabc, M . E., degree, 260 Rabens, I. A., appointment, 389 Radcliffe,ofE.,,B.,cost, 621 257 120, Racine,E.H-,599degree, 601 253 49^, 178, 358 Rabies,of, M budget,610296,contract453 502, 512 Raffl, R., C. degree,551 562 Radner, R.appointment,248 45 Radiology,R.M.,building,72 347, Radio I.diagnosis, degree, 4*3, awarded, 638 Rahe, A., 226W., fee, Ragsdale, degree,appointments, Raff,location, of degree, 258 Raeder, M.,Cappointments, engineer, 599 director, M 486, 362 report D., gift H.t,. progress,license, estimate station, broadcasting 633

Poulson, C. T., degree, 446 Poultry plant,fireloss, 595 house, contract, 282 Pound, D. B., degree, 248 Powel, R. N., degree, 617 Powell, C- L., degree, 610 Powell, C. R., degree, 618 Powell, D. S., appointments, 124, 32.6 Powell, M . E., appointment, 111 degree, 618 Powell, W., C.P-A., certificate, 44 Powers, F. B.( degree, 617 Powers, J. H., elected director, 189, 563 Printer, L. J., degree, 399 Prather, C. L., appointment, 333 Prather, O., appointment, 326 Prather, O. A., degree, 260 Pratt, C. H., appointment, 316 Pratt, E. S., appointment, 326 degree, 623 Pratt, H. A., degree, 257 Pratt, R. G., degree, 514 Pratt, S-, appointment, ill Prehn, F- C , degree, 167 Prehn, P., appointments, 335, 356 salary, 356 Prescott, M . 13., appointments, 111, 194, 452 President of Board, delegation of signature, 184, 54Z President of University, car, report, 394, 500 Office of, budget, 315 See also Kinley, David Pressey, J. C , appointment, 523 degree, 620 Preston, W . T., degree, 253 Prcttyman, H. F., degree, 260 Preucil, A., degree, 260 Price, A. J., degree, 431 Price, C. C , degree, 616 Pi ice, C- W., degree, 80 Price, H., degree, 632 Price, R. A., degree, 174 Price, R. M., degree, 616 Price, W . F., degree, 24S Prichard, W . T., appointment, 332 degree, 428 Priebe, O. J-, degree, 258 Priewe, F. L., degree, 611 Primm, J. F., degree, 616 Pringle, K. R., degree, 610 Printing annual register, 477 Printing contracts with non-union firms, 277 Pritchard, R., death benefit, 459 Prize, Christian Gross, in architecture, 505 medical, Beaumont Memorial, 431, 484, 517 Prouty, F.Servicedegree,Cen. 347 ProductsD..D., degree,45519 364 190 Proctor,192$, Illinois,305 Probate F-L.Dentistry, 271 428 87 468 Pri7.es, 111.H., list,will,610 Illinois, 453 PrizeNorthernJ.,prize, 329399 Corporation, 599 Provost, M& W., appointment, Provine, of Carterdegree,632 Prouza, A. G., appointments, 337, Prostheticbudget,appointment, 389, Procise, J. 322 502 & Light 349 Psychology, E., 315 Prussing M., Co., Pruitt, Exposition, 595 Proxy, G. 322 bill, budget, Propst, stock, appointments, Frucha, Power 270 Pruett, S. P. Public Co., securities, salaries, M.j expense, Baker, fund. budget, H.,