UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 690]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Pfeifer, R. J„ Plym Scholarship, 276 prize, 270 Pfetffer, H. A., degree, 262 Pfeifler, H. F., degree, 254 prize, 270 Pfutzenreuter, E. M., decree. 259 Pharmacy, School of, special appropriation, 5, budget, 364 building, refitted, 544 Addition, appropriation, 295 architects, 305, 385 contracts awarded, 569, 593 plans for, 477 report of progress, 458 degrees, change, 204 listeners fees, 549 requirements for graduation, 136 summer work, 231 Pharmacology and Therapeutics, budget, 360 Phelps, G., degree, 248 Phifer, C. H., appointment, 391 Philbrick, E. H., degree, 623 Philbrick, F. S., appointments, 354, 523 Phillippc, B., appointment, 346 Philips, A. H., degree, 174 Phillips, D. E., appointment, 522 Phillips, I. B., degree, 624 Phillips, R. J., degree, 253 Philosophy, budget, 329 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Phipps, H- T., degree, 614 Phipps, R. M., degree, 248 Plupps, T. E., appointment, 324 Photography, budget, 318 Physical Education for men, budget, 355 salaries, 356 for women, appropriation, 149 budget, 357 Physical Plant, budget, 321 extension, 365 special improvements, 367 Physical Welfare, research, 227, 397 Physics, budget, 341 expense, 337 salaries, 337 Physics Building, remodeling, 147 Physiology budget, Urbana, 329 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Chicago, 361 Ptcnrd, A- P., degree, 446 Pickets, G. W., appointment, 338 Picker, L. E., degree, 633 Pickerel, E. T., degree, 612 Pictures,.O.E., L., purchased, 549 Picknell,WG.P., appointment,ofter, 330 Pickering..Sloan223 degree,345 452 384 Pigs, suckling, immunization Pieper, G.. M., degree, 627 267 Pjcpcr,WE.S.J., appointment, 203, Pieczynski, H., degree, 610326586 Pickett,WD. Cappointment,269294experiment, 562 Pjcters, P., ,appointments, Pierson, I. appointment, Piercy, L. A., Pierce, N., D., land 621 Piepho, E. A.7 degree, 248 Piehl, J., J. collection, Pickles,H. K., degree, 624 Pjette, scholarship, P., L., 255 446 513 628


Piit, G. E., degree, 446 Pilchard, E. I., appointment, 352 Pilka, H. J., appointments, 120, 452 Pillsbury, \V. L., C.P.A. committee, 463 Pilot, I., appointment, 360 Pink, M . D., degree, 105 Pinner, M., appointments, n o , 360 Pinney, C. J., degree, 614 Pinsenehaum, A-, appointment, 357 Pintzow, M . Z., degrees, 431, 630 Pircs, V. M., scholarship, 583 Pitchman, I., degrees, 270, 516 Pitkin, M., scholarship, 223 Plambeck, W . F., degree, 430 Plato, R. A., degree, 260 Piatt, C, A., architectural services, 593 Pless, B. M-, appointment, 340 Pletta, D. H., appointment, 452 Plhak, C. F., degree, 632 Piice, S. G-, appointment, 390 Plotting Athletic Association tract, 229 Plumbing, research in, 234 Plummer, F. B., degrees, 174, 263 Plunkett. C. B., degree, 610 Plym Fellowship, awarded, 7S, 231, 599, 633 committee, 1925-26, 468 Plym Fellowship and Scholarship fund, consolidation, 122 investments, 144, 196, 212, 311 Plym Foreign Scholarship awarded, 78, 276, 633 Plzak, h. F., degree, 269 Poag, B. G., degree, 612 Poetry Prize Fund, investment of, 387 Poggensee, E. R., degree, 610 Policy, University, jee University policy Political Science, assistants, 495 budget, 329 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Polk, M . A., degree, 610 Pollack, L. F., appointment, 111 Pollack, M,, degree, 616 Pollock, A. W., degree, 614 Pollock, L. F., degree, 253 Poise, M . L., degree, 630 Poison, J. A., appointment, 339 Pomerantz, M., degree, 269 Pomeroy, H. B., degree, 250 Pomeroy, J. N., C.P.A. committee, 463 Pond, B., appointment, i n Pond, B. P., commission, 261 degree, 256 Pond, G. P., appointment, 391 Ponting, T. C , degree, 399 Ponzer, E., degree, 267 Pope, G.M.ofF.,appointments,248 339452 379David Poor, WWL.,264 appointment, 399 Kinley, Poole, R.F.W.,, 584 degree, under 330, Pothoff,, S-,degree, 610630 327, Porter, E..356 appointment, 391 Poretsky,E.L., L., appointments, 337 Pottle, J., M., degree, Potter, H.622 A., appointment, Potkiii, V., CV. degree, 431 Postlcwait,C., Jr., degree, 335 Poser, E. T., degree, see 356 Portrait J. "H.degree,248619 342 Post, E>. degree, 632 degree, Q., appointment, fellowship,President, salary, E., L., M., F., H.