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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

670 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Holmes, L. A., commission, 622 degree, 6ti Holmes, R. N., degree, 609 Holt, E. D., degree, 251 Holt, H. E., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Holt, O. C , degree, 257 Hohon, E. M., degree, 611 Holton, W . B., degree, 627 fellowship, 222 Home Advisers budget, 354 Home Economics, budget, 349 expense, 343 salaries, 343 Home Economics 44 'fee, 494 Home Economics Education, budget, 336 expense, 334 salaries, 334 Home Economics Extension, title changes, 393 Hon, R. C , degree, 79 Honeywell, E. M,, appointment, 166 Honorarium, for A. R. Crathonw, 102 Honoroff, L., degree, 631 Honors Day appropriation, tg6 Honors for graduation, form changed, 229 Hood, F. C , appointment, 538 Hood, H. B., degree, 248 Hook, C. H., degree, 269 Hooper, H. L., degree, 251 Hoos, K-, degree, 632 Hoover, B. P., degree, 266 Hoover, D. H., appointment, 333 Hoover, I., degree, 262 HopkinE, B. S., appointments, 323, 521 discovery of element, 544 leave of absense, 190 Hopkins, C , appointment, 328 Hopkins, H. C , degree, 173 Hopkins, H. M., appointment, 178 Hopkins, L. T., degree, 257 Hopkins, R. E., appointments, 16, 317 Hopwood, F. H., degrees, 257, 261 Hordyk, E. M., degree, 25a Horn, A. O., degree, 260 Horn, J, L., appointment, 522 Horn, R. F., degree, 623 scholarship, 222 Home, C- E., appointments, 224, 328, 450 Horneman, H. C , appointments, 49, 460 Hornish, M . M., degree, 618 Hornkohl, P., appointments, 69, 224, 321 Horrow, S. R., degree, 253 Horse barn, contract, 49 Horsky, B-, degree, 267 Horticultural products contract, 276 Horticulture, budget, 350 Horween,R.,expenditures, 60911822916, Horton, I.A.,H.,additional,413318109 7202 Hospital, 253NM.,degree,175 Hosier, H.W.,appointment, Hoskins, J. J.,518degree, 620 Hoskin, R.burned,appointments, Hosford, J.C.,343practitioners, 343 Horwitz, A.V-,appointments, 69, 338 H obuilding628J., appointment, degree, McK.tn.ley,40609 dedication, degree, 631 fellowship, 223 290 445 skins, R„, „ expense, _286 appropriation, salaries, staff, osteopathic plumbing, appointment, executive degree, linoleumr Hines, G. 1., appointments, 69, 346, 403 Hinote, R. C , appointment, jog Hinrichs, H. W . R-, degree, 631 Hinrichsen, J. J., scholarship, 223 Hinton, A- B., degree, 631 Hirchberg, S., commission, 612 degree, 614 Hirsch, E. W., appointments, 69, 391 HJrschfeld, J. C , degree, 258 Hiser, N. O., degree. 512 Histology, budget, 363 History, budget, 328 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Hitch, L. A., appointment, 404 Hitchcock, D. C., degree, 620 Hitchcock, J. E., degree, 248 Hitchina, F. H., fellowship, 223 Hittson, H. H., degree, 616 Hixson, L., appointment, 346 Ho, P. J., degree, 172 Hoadley, L. M., degree, 255 Hoag, M , W., appointment, 340 Hobart, F. B., appointment, 342 Hobart, Mrs. F. B., degree, 25a Hobart, M . H., appointment, 391 Hobbs, C. I., degree, 80 Hochstrasser, M . A., degree, 248 Hocking, A. R,, degree, 257 Hocking, A. W., degree, 252 Hockman, H. M., degree, 609 Hodges, C. M., EHs land sale, 141 Hodges, M., Ells land sale, I41 Hodosh, L. I., degree, 269 Hodsdon, F. M., appointment, 324 Hoefflin, M., appointments, 223, 361 Hoefllin, M . M., degree, 78 Hoelscher, R. P., appointment, 339 Hoersch, V. A., appointment, 328 Hoffman, G., appointment, 388 Hoffman, H. I., degree, 631 Hoffman, J. N-, degree, 622 Hoffman, R. C , appointment, 450 Hoffman, R. O., degree, 614 Hoffman, S. J., degrees, 266, 630 Hoffman Electric Co., contract, 569 Hoffmann, R. C , degree, 616 Hoffmann, F. W., degree, 627 Hofmann, \V., appointment, 346 Hofsommer, G. G., degree, 429 Hogans, C. L., appointment, 193 Hog cholera, immunization experiment, 562 Hogg, G. W., degree, 514 Hogle, E. D., degree, 258 Hoglund, C, E., degree, 614 Hollister,H.degree,degree,79618 485 Holder E.,L.H.,I.,appointment, 69 261 Hoit, Co.,A.,I.,F„,degree,252390 325 Hoier 0.C.L,E.fJ.,year,of63625849,238 317, 335 Holmes, C. one Co., 80 Holly, H.R., degree, 627 Hollopeter, S.appointment, Hollis, J. A.,appointments,404 HoUaday.A. C.63 s degree,contract, Holen, HardwareofferV., 254260, Holderman, M.,P.,appointment, 569 Holden,H.W.,E.,degree, 80609 460 Holbert,B.M_Williamdegree,farm, 354 Hoke, J.F.F.W-,degree, contract,200, Holloway, G., degree, Hojloway, A., appointment, HoIIett, Holland, Holinger, J.,S., 620 263 retirement, appointment, continued E.,
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