UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 672]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Heflernan, H. G., degree, 248 Hefner, G. L., C. P. A. certificate, 190 Heggland, M., appointments, 16, 317 Heidler, J. B., appointments, sol, 522 degree, 628 fellowship, 223 Hcidloff, R. C , appointment, 356 salary, 356 Heiligenstein, C. A., Jr., degree, 253 Heiman, I,, degree, 269 Heimlicncr, M . S., degree, 620 Hein, M . A., appointment, 346 Heinekamp, W . J. R., appointment, 360 Heintz, E. L., appointment, 389 Heis&ig, I., degree, 629 Helbling, R. L., appointment, 316 Hellar, Mrs. G, E.t appointment, 357 Heller, C. M., degree, 251 Heller, L. L., Experiment station report, 132 Hellmuth, J. K., degree, 631 Helming, A. D., degree, 609 Helmreich, E. C , degree, 400 Helms, K. C , degree, 615 Helms, L. A., degree, 623 fellowship, 584 scholarship, 222 Helsing, E. A., degree, 609 Helson, H., appointment, 403 Hembreiker, W . J., appointment, 50 Hemphill, H. M,, degree, 609 Hemphill, J. S., degree, 617 Hemwall, J. E., degrees, 252, 261 Henderson, C. B., degree, 609 scholarship, 584 Henderson, D. C , appointment, 347 degree, 625 Henderson, G. E., degree, 614 Henderson, M., degree, 258 Henderson, T. 0., appointment, 321 Henderson, W . T., degree, 616 Hendrick, C. F., degree, 616 Hendricks, F. W., degree, 252 Henkei, E. R., degree, 622 Henneberry, M , T., degree, 173 Hennesa, C, F., degree, 256 Hennig, E. A., degree, 260 Henning, G. E., degree, 617 Henry, A, F., appointment, log degrees, 255, 261 Henry, B. L., appointment, 403 degree, 261 Henry, G. H., degree, 630 Henry, M . V., degree, 260 Henshel, W . M., degree, 252 Hensler,K.R..L.,W-,appointment, 391 49,335, 522 Hepburn,J..P.D.,degree,255620631633 460 Herrick, N.0.,E.,appointment, Herr, B. M E.degree, degree, Herman, C.R.,E.,appointment, Herdlicka,C.EMCdegree, 631 630 Hcrdlicka,M.R.W.,261appointments, 550 Herbon, E., H., degree,609632 339 Heppes, MM.,D., silos266612 Hepler, S.R.,A.,W.,appointment, 200, Henwood,E.252,degree,purchased,325 Henson, A,N.T.,,degree,613260 109 Herron, Herroid, Herriott, W T., degree, 252 Herrin, H, E., degree,614 Hersh, degrees, G., appointments, L.,appointment, degree, 514 degree,


Hershey, A. E., appointments, 16, 342 degree, 626 Hershey, C. O., appointment, 390 Herting, H. E., appointment, 109 Hess, J. H., appointment, 294 Hessel boulevard, vacation of, 504, 546 See also under Land Hessel land, see under Land Hesser, M,, degree, 173 Hessler, M., appointment, 450 Hester, M . F., degree, 614 Hctherlin, R. T., degree, 615 Hettel, E. F., commission, 622 degree, 616 Hcusinkveld, C. T„, degree, 248 Hcwes, G. C-, degree, 263 Plym fellowship, 78 Hewitt, H. C , degree, 430 Hey, A. T., appointments, 50, 461 Hey, E. M., appointment, 450 Heywood-Wakefield Co., awarded contract, 228 Hiatt, H. H., degree, 614 Hibbs, E. A., degree, 620 Hickey, R. M., C- P. A. certificate, 638 Hickman, W., appointment, 339 degree, 616 Hicks, G. G., degree, 618 Hicks, T. H., degree, 631 Hieronymus, R. E., appointments, 334, 345 Hicrs, G. S., degree, 627 fellowship, 222 Higgin Mfg. Co., contract, 283 Higgins, F. R., degree, 248 Higgins, H. R., appointment, 341 Higgins, K. A., degree, 257 Higgins, M . R.9 commission, 622 degree, 618 Higginson, G. D., appointments, 203, 329, 524 degree, 513 High school, junior, petition for, 635 High School Visitor, office of, budget, 317 High schools, accrediting, change, 197 Highshew, W . S., degree, 514 Hildenbrand, H. L., degree, 256 Hiles, R. E., degree, 6t6 Hilgert, J. R., appointments, 332, 378 Hilkert, R. C , C.P.A. certificate, 398 Hill, A. J., degree, 261 Hill, B. H., appointment, 331 Hill, B. W., degree, 632 Hill, C. A., degree, 5»3 Hill, D. B., degree, 429 Hill, D. I., degree, 609 Hill, D. M., appointment, 69 Hill, E.J.W.,0.,261appointment,203,44 325, 522 E. 263 appointments, Hill, N.,H.I,J.degree, degree,327,109 330, 525 HiHebrand,T.,appointment, 69257 403 Himmele, contract, 117269 629 Hiltabrand,D.,. G.,degree, 261 Hills,Harold appointment, 629 Hillman, R., Wdegree,appointments, Hiller,E. L-,H.degree, 267 255 203 190, Himes,S. H., H.,270degiee, Hindman, P., degrees,269 Hincks,E.B., Herrin, 248 degree, D., degree, degree, commission, degree,248 L.V.prize,N., 257, J., L., appointment, N. 261 C.P.A. 6»o B-, F., certificate,