UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 666]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Extension service, Agriculture, Federal funds, 208 Eyckshymer, Dr. A. C , appointment, 360 death, 508 leave of absence, 146, 292 resignation, 413 Eye, C. H., degrees, 268, 444 Eyman, R. K., degree, 514 Fabian, A. C, degrees, 613, 614 Fabri, A. A., degree, 609 Fabricant, N. D., degree, 266 Fackler, C. W., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Factor, F. G., degree, 631 Fahlstrom, S. W., degree, 367 Fahnestock, M . K., appointment, 602 Fairchild, J. E., degree, 267 Fairfield, D., degree, 609 Fairlie, J. A., appointment, 329 Fairweather, S. A. J., degree, 247 Faissler. J. F., degree, 609 Fait, W . H., degree, 247 Fales, C. B., degree, 430 Fallon, A. M., degree, 620 Fallon, W . R., degree, 266 Falls, F. H., appointment, 388 Farm advisers, salary budget, 354 Farm Mechanics, budget, 34B expense, 343 salaries, 343 Building, remodeling, 365 Farm Organization and Management, budget, 34-8 salaries, 343 Farnham, B. F-, degree, 173 Farnworth, E. M., degree, 621 Farrand, H,, degree, 249 Farwell, L., degree, 247 Faucett, M . A., appointment, 33B Faude, C. W., degree, 252 Faulkner, Barry, contract, 51B Faunce, J. C , degree, 247 Federal funds, extension service, 29B Fees, Animal Husbandry, 41, 122 Gymnasium, new, 419 Home Economics 44, 494 laboratory, 2, 299 listeners, Chicago departments, 549 rabies, diagnosis, 562 Registrar's report, 122, 209, 306, 595 Summer session, 418 X-Ray, schedule, 592 Feinstein, E. M., degree, 616 Feldman, A., appointment, 403 Feldman, I., degree, 26S Feldman,O.515Economicsappointments,Utilities, 44 Feldwisch,L.,H-,degree, 255266 Plym, 44 201eonFerrell, UniversityWdegree, 609 Ferguson,M O. E., under of609630 Fencing E.F. ,E.,appointments,449 fund FeUon, C, B.,Plymscholarship, 585 Fels,solidation^G.,degree, Graduate 332 Fellowship C.LF., degree, 260 585 199, 15, Fellows,H. .L.seeC.P.A., 631 Public School Felker, ML.444degree,„ 254623 appropriation, 119 Ferris, C. appointment, Fernsemer, D., degree,certificate, Fernald, seeand degree,81, Fenton, . P., 122 Fellowship Fender, G.,E.,appointment, Fellowships,W.,F.appointment, degree, Plym, Graduate, C. woods,


Ferris, W., degree, 514 Fetterolf, L. D., degree, 615 Fiddelke, W . B., degree, 269 Fieg, C. W., appointment, 341 Field, K., degree, 623 fellowship, 584 scholarship, 222 Field, M . A., degree, 262 Fielder, V. B-, degree, 257 Fife, H. K., appointments, 349, 377 Figueroa, L., degree, 444 Ftlbey, E, J., appointments, 109, 331, 332,520 Fillingham, E., degree, 267 Finance committee, trust fund investments report, 103 Finder, J. G., degree, 609 Fine, J., degree, 268 Fineman, I., appointment, 340 Finkel, I., degree, 268 Finkelstein, J. L., degree, 268 Finlay, A. H., appointment, 403 Finley, L. W., degree, 262 Finne, B. A., degree, 629 Finney, C. L., appointment, 633 Finnigan. C. E., appointment, 341 Fiock, E. F., degree, 627 fellowship, 222 Fiock, G. E., degree, 611 Fire damage, Dental Building, 568, 598 horticulture barn, 40 poultry plant, 595 West Residence Hall, 469 Fisch, M . E., appointments, 68, 108, 389, 403 Fischer, A. E., degree, 252 Fischer, H. H., degree, 398 Fischer, J., degree, 444 Fischer, J. R., degree, 254 Fischer, W . R., appointment, 391 Fischman, W,, degree, 616 Fischmann, E. W., appointment, 388 Fiscus, J. J., appointment, 338 Fiscus, L., degree, 173 Fish, F. H., appointments, 325, 403, 538 degree, 625 Fisher, E. N., degree, 621 Fisher, E. W., degree, 613 Fisher, F. D., degree, 609 Fisher, M . I., degree, 609 Fisher, N. F., appointment, H Fisher, R. E., appointment, 403 degree, 247 Fishman, L, Z., degree, 266 Fiske, Mrs. A. A., appointment, 449 Fiske, D. L., appointment, 15, 342 Fitch, N.D.T.. appointment, 68 390 Flattery, C.R.,M.,appointment, 320 330, FitzGerald,612CE.,appointments, 340 Fitzgerald,R.J.F-,D.,degree,515268 449, 166, Fitz-Gerald,J.S.,appointment,622449388 525 335 Fitch, F.Mrs.H.,D.,W., 61910634935B 553 525 Flaningam,R.(K., degree, 249 Flagg, C. J. J. degree, 609 Flack, K. C. WE., degree, 624 Fiu-Gerald,J.,R-, degree,appointments, Fleicher, E., E., appointment, Fletcher, R-, commission, Flesher,D. V. , appointments, Fleming, A. H., appointment, 203, Fleischner,E. N., appointment, 330, degree, K., R. appointments, degree, 630 A., degree, 247 174