UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 667]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Frank, R. W., degree, 252 Frankenfeld, J. C , degree, 257 Frankenfeld, R. L., degree, 618 Franklin, D. M., degree, 266 Franklin, M. B., degree, 613 Franklin, R. A., accident compensation, 479 degree, 398 Franklin, W. R., degree, 252 Fraser, G. G., appointment, 108 Fraser, W . E., degree, 254 Fraser, W . J., appointment, 347 Krazier, C. R., degree, 252 Frazier, R., rent refund, 479 Frazin, S. U., degree, 631 Freas, I. M., degree, 248 Frederick, J. B., degree, 620 Frederick, J. T., degree, 258 Fredericks, L. O., degree, 252 Frederickson, J. R-, degree, 251 Freema n, I. A., degree, 248 Freeman, L, M., degree, 623 Freeman, Ralph W., degree, 609 Freeman, Richard W., degree, 611 Freer, L., appointments, 357, 524 Freiberg, F. A., degree, 615 Freilich, E. B., appointment, 389 French, M.r appointments, 108, 326, 403 French for admission, 230 French patent, purchase, i;i See also under Parr Coking Process Frenzel, W . C , degree, 444 Freud, 5., degree, 268 Frick, A., appointment, 389 Fried, B. A., degree, 609 Friedlander, R., degree, 613 Friedman, B. R., degree, 252 Friedman, M . M-, degree, 252 Friedman, SM degree, 174 Frier, F. N., degree, 257 Fritsch]e, A. E., appointment, 553 degree, 248 Froberg, E,, appointment, 358 death benefit, 637 Frohs, L. J., degree, 631 Fry, B. J., degree, 174 Fry, E. L., degree, 609 Fry, M. L., degree, 611 Fry, R. D., degree, 619 Frye, H. P., degree, 81 Fryxell, C, A., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Fuchs, H., degree, 63! Fulkerson, J., appointments, 49, 460 Fullenwider, L., appointment, 326 Fuller, L. J., degree, 248 Fuller,also621N.,degree,Residence 278, 350 506 Fuson, I.C.W-,504new degree, 449 Station, Furniture504,B-,degree,609quarterly365 Fultz, E.,248forFixtures,609 403 Hall, 287 FurnishingsG. appointment, Furness,T. O., County 248 Furmaniak,and G., degree,619 39c Funk, E. CF.,appointment, 460 Funds, L. B., 508 degree,5*378632 reports Fullerton,B.L.,I.,appointments, Furby, Fete, appointment, Funke, A. F. degree, Experiment Fullmer,R. appointments, 267 S«rr CookE., 332 May M. Comptroller's budget, degree, A., W., trust, , appointment, degree, 49, C. degree, 609

Fletcher, H. M , appointments, 333, 510. 6*8 Fletcher, R. B., degree, 613 Flint, T., degree, 252 Flohr, O. M,, appointment, 363 Horn, G. T., appointment, 325 Flood, A. C, C.P.A. certificate, 44 Floriculture Advisory Committee, appointments, SOS, 552 Florida Avenue, closing of part, 221 grading, 547 pavement, 191 Florin, A. C , degree, 267 Florman, L. W., degree, 250 Floyd, T. W., degree, 251 Flude, J. W,, degree, 613 Flynn, J. F,, degree, 444 Flynn, R. W., degree, 444 Fogarcy, W., death benefit, 519 Fogelson, B. C , degree, 269 Fogler, R. W., appointment, 108 Foley, E., appointment, 449 Foley. E, C , degree, 430 Foley, L. A., degree, 247 Folk, M. L., appointment, 244 Folkers, F. M., degree, 430 Folleit, D. W., degree, 248 Foltz, G. A., degree, 260 Foltz, K. C , degree, 260 Fonda, J. E., appointment, 363 Football ticket allotments, 3°5 Foote, L. S., appointment, 460 Foran, M . C-, degree, 24® Forbrich, J. A., degree, 632 Ford, C. M., appointment, 340 Foreign language requirement, chemical engineering, 230 chemistry, 230 Forester, D. V., degree, 514 Forester, M. A., degree, 609 Forestry investigations, resolution, 14 Fork, Mrs. E. M., appointment, 470 Fornoff, C. W., appointment, 328 degree, 628 Fortney, H. D., degree, 430 Foss, V., appointments, 223, 360 Foster, A. T., degrees, 269, 631 Foster, C. L., degree, 260 Foster, E. M., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Foster, E. S-, degree, 430 Foster, I. O., appointments, 286, 328 degree, 266 Foster, J. M., degree, 106 Foster, J. P., degree, 175 Foster, L. 0., degrees, 106, 332 Foster, S. R.,413 C 584620 Fox, W .DentalM.appointment,49, 460347384, 461 Frank, WC. M., 243, 260 7, 449363 Frain,G,,. R.,degree,615 60920contract, Fowler, E. appointment, Co.,333193, Fourth WStreet, degree,444325purchased, 117 Foster, N..609degree,,613619262337 Francis,R.,174,paving,257 FrameF. W. H., 622degree, Fouts, Mrs.degree, land degrees, A., Supply degree,F.,G., appointments, commission,appointments, fellowships,M,., land sold,appointment, E. H., F., degree, C. L., appointment, A. P., appointment, G. W., degree, G. A., 626