UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 664]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Doty, M . L., Jr., degree, So Doughty, H. H., degree, 357 Douglas, I. E., appointment, 340 Douglas, L. R., degree, 616 Douglas, R. J., degree, 267 Down, H. I., degree, 267 Downey, G. E., appointments, 15, 202, 357 Downing, E. E., degree, 620 Downing, G. M., degree, 620 Downs, W . B., degree, 631 Doxsee, E. D., appointment, 147 Doyle, B. G., appointments, 119, 322 Doyle, E. A., appointments, 119, 3*7 Doyle, K., appointment, 319 Draffin, J. 0-, appointment, 340 Drainage project, Champaign, see Sewer, Stormwater Draining of parade ground, 469 Drake, R. J., appointment, 402 Dralie, R. C , degree, 429 Draper, W . A., degree, 268 Drebin, H. I., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Drenning, E. J., degree, 268 Dresen, W . D., degree, 256 Drew, M . W., degree, 608 Dreyer, G. P., appointment, 361 Dreyer, W . A., degree, 608 Driggs, F. H., appointments, 200, 324, 521 Driggs, M . C., degree, 247 Driss, S. M., degree, 631 Driver, E. C , appointments, 68, 331 degree, 624 Drobish, A. E., degree, 616 Drobish, W . M., degree, 616 Drom, B. J., degree, 620 Drucker, A. E,, appointment, 340 Drues, I. A.* appointment, 108 Drummond, H. A., appointment, 470 Dryden, L., degree, 105 Dryden, M., degree, 247 Duane, M . J., degree, 264 scholarship, 108 Dubach, K. M., appointment, 449 degree, 252 Duca, P. N., degree, 254 Dudley, H. M,, degree, 251 Due, C , appointments, 119, 361 Dueringer, 0. E., commission, 622 degree, 613 Duerr, L., degree, 258 Duff, O. M., degree, 631 Duffy, H. E., degree, 608 Duffy, J. F., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Duffy, M., degree, 80 Dugdale, J. H., degree, 257 Dunlop,D.H...L.,622prize,616201 317 325 463 Dunne, C.E.E.,appointment,618 178 Dunn, n, R.B.,K.,appointment, 68, Dunlap, N.616appointment,632 40249, Dunbaugh.R.H.V.,degree, 266examiner,461 Dunham, WM M.r degree, 271 Dungan, G,, I., appointment, Duncan, F., F., degree,514247 Dunca L., M.,J.,degree,613 320 Dunbar, C.degree,appointments; DuMont,R., L_,appointment,336 345 Dulla, S.,D.P., appointments, 449 Duguid, D., G., appointment, Dugger, G. degree, 252 degree, commission,S., 631 S., C.P.A. degree, Dunning, A. W., C.P.A. examiner, 463 Dunscomb, M . E., degree, 79 Dun Beth, C. A., retirement, 635 continued one year, 636 Dunsing, D. M., degree, 247 Dupee, R. K „ degree, 616 Duskin, I. A., degree, 631 Dutton, F. 0-, degree, 616 Duvall, K. L., appointment, 316 Dvorak, J. W., degree, 253 Dvorak, R. F., appointments, 68, 318 Dyarman, C. N., degree, 262 Dyas, F. G., appointment, 300 Dyroff, E. A., degree, 259 Eadfe, J. O., degree, 252 Eads, C. F., degree, 608 Eagle, I. O., degree, 263 Ear!, A. M., degree, 631 Earnest, E. S., degree, 247 Earnill, T. C , appointments, 10S, 340 Eastman, A. R., Plym fellowship, 399 Easton, B. R., degree, 259 Easton, V. M., degree, 260 Eaton, J. M., degree, 260 Eaton, M-, C.P.A., examiner, 463 Ebert, M . F-, degree, 247 Eckhart, L. A., degree, 269 Eckles, E. A., degree, 79 Economics, budget, 333 salaries, 331 instructors, additional, 40 Economics Thrift Essay prize fund investment, 130 Economics of Public Utilities, fellowships and scholarships, 44 Edahl, E. W., degree, 629 Eddy, L. J., degree, 80 Eddy, S., degree, 428 Edclman, S., degree, 268 Eden, J. I,, degree, 621 Eden, R. K., degree, 264 Edgett, G. L-, appointments, 223, 329 Edholm, W . L., degree, 615 Edison, H. J., degree, 618 Edmonds, J. L., appointment, 346 Edquist, E. L., degree, 613 Edstrom, A. E., degree, 247 Education, budget, 335 expense, 3 34 salaries, 334 Educational Research, Bureau of, budget, expense, 334 salaries, 334 Educational and Research Hospitals, see pitals,E., M., G.,Research Edwards, J.E.H.degree,degree,247 584 190 Eklund, H. R.0.,degree, degree, 444 Eisner Heating C.P.A.618429260 641 EHer, GroceryA.,Co.,contract, 319, Eikenberry, J.,C ,degree,certificate, Eikenbary,E.M., .L.,appointment, 449 429 EichlerR. C. .MedicalM.,contract, 276 68 Eigenbrodt, F.,J.,scholarship, Eichenberger, W., degree,81431 Ehrlich, D.,E.,C ,appointment, Ehrhardt, H. L., Co.,degree,444 326 Eggman, R. F.D.,appointments, 316 M F., Howard degree,398247 E. W L. appointment, 247 appointment, 26768