UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 660]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Coates, F. K „ degree, 622 Coath, E. S., degree, 252 Coats worth, J. T., degree, 251 Cobb, C. C , decree, 514 Cobb, E. W., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Cobb, J. L., degree, 264 Coble, A. B., appointments, 328, 523 Cochran, C- V., degree, 260 Cocke, E. H., degree, 514 Cody, W., degree, 631 CofTcen, E., degree, 611 Coffman, A, W., appointments, 278, 342 Cogen, N. J., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Coghland, N., appointment, 326 Cohen, A. E,, degree, 266 Cohen, B. W., degree, 608 Cohen, C , appointment, 390 Cohen, E. N., degree, 632 Cohen, F. L., appointment, 553 degrees, 250, 625 Cohen, H. D., appointment, 388 Cohen, I. V., degree, 617 Cohen, J, L., degree, 252 Cohen, L. U-, degree, 613 Cohen, R., degree, 106 Cohen, S. J., appointments, 15, 360 Cohen, S. L., appointments, 107, 389 Coking process, see Parr, S. \V. Colby, A. S., appointment, 350 Colby, R., appointment, 15, 201, 326 Cole, A. G., appointments, 108, 361 Cole, F. M., degree, 611 Cole, H. A., degree, 268 Cole, J. L., degree, 621 Cole, R. I., commission, 261 degree, 247 Cole, V- L, appointments, 50, 461 Cole, W . B. V., degree, 624 scholarship, 222 Coleman, G. H., appointments, 15, 324, 512 Coleman, J. W., degree, 515 Coleman, M . V., degree, 106 Coleman, O., degree, 429 College of Physicians and Surgeons, bonds,4G0 College Place land, see under Land Collier, J., Experiment Station report, 131 Collier, M . L-, degree, 608 Collins, D. ¥., degree, 247 Collins, F. P., degree, 620 Collins, H. J., degree, 629 Collins, L. B., degree, 612 Collins, L. L-, degree, 444 Collins, W . G., degree, 252 Colman, D., appointments, 243, 359 Colonel Nodine appointment, CommercialM.,degree,588budget, of 285 Commerce, Building,365444 54267 517 Commerce 331 degree,185, chairs,588 Combs, J. CG., 286time283 report,331AgriColyer, R. M., degree,173 Colvin, B. report, 103gift, 635 Committee,331 Post,new, Commencement, of,637 Standing, ,284 Executive,report, College Universityfixtures, changed, old, name College 5886r3 Finance, 589 salaries, changed, expense, Agriculture, culture, activities, shades, screens, policy, linoleum,283 lighting elected, new sidewalks,


Committees, Advisory, 49 for IQ25-26, 185 Standing, IQ26-27, 543 report on, 588, 606 Commons, C. H., prize, 270 Compensation, accident, awarded, 479 request, 640 Comptroller, contracts and purchase orders, 6, 43, 99. 117- 125, 149, 187, 204, 232, 276, 310, 395, 415. 46l, 478, 507, 520, 544, 569, 598, 637 office of, appropriation, 549 quarterly reports, 51, 88, 156, 212, 368, 432, 526, 572 See also Morey, Lloyd Condit, H. V., degree, 258 Condit, R. O., degree, 81 Condon, V. H., degree, 430 Conely, C. B., degree, 611 Conibear, L. M., degree, 608 Conkey, F. I., degree, 259 Conkey, R. W-, degree, 80 Conklin, N. C , degree, 613 Conkwright, N. B., appointment, 15 degree, 628 fellowship, 223 Conlee, G. L., appointments, 243, 321 Connelly, M , L., degree, 267 Connelly, N. H., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Conner, R. R., degree, 612 Connor, D. R., degree, 616 Connor, J. H., scholarship, 243 Conrad, C. K., degrees, 268, 444 Contract withdrawn, Pharmacyfloors,593 Contracts, Comptroller's, list of, see Comptroller Converse, P. D., appointments, 199, 332 Cook, H, G-, degree, 247 Cook, J. L., Jr., degree, 252 Cook, K, G., degree, 106, 629 Cook, K. W., degree, 253 Cook County Experiment Station, report, 194 erection 01 shed, 227 establishing station, report, 130 funds appropriated, 42, 506 land purchased, Nebel, 168, 189 recommendations, 134 Cooke, F. W., appointment, 341 degree, 265 Cooke, T. G., degree, 429 Cooke, W . H., degree, 619 Cookson, J. E., C.P.A., certificate, 44 Cooley, D. B., degree, 247 Coolidge, N., degree, 247 Coon, M J.M-,research, 631 324 Corbett,.I.625Jr., appointments, 350 Copp, A.J..50 policy, degree, 267 463 Cope, alsoW., International gift, 268, Coopersmith,Foundry 256 Institute 360, Cooperman,R.,M., M., 230 616278,192, 364 CooperativeD-,degree,513agricultural,of, 402 Cooperation,degree, 241,268343549,638171, 52 o Cooper,C.J.,H.,C.P.A.Co.,459,67,150639 convenCopley, MC598 appointment, Cooper, A.CH.,appointments, Coons,F.Mrs. Mdegree, certificate, Engineering, .degree,examiner, degree, ,E., appointments, See UniversityJ., 150, tion, , appointment, 444 Research 562, degree,