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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
656 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chestnut, N. H„, degree, 431 Cheydleur, F. D., appointment, 203 Chez, M . M., degree, 268 Chicago Departments, budget, 358, 366 expenses, 358 salaries, 358 commencement at Urbana, 171 insurance on buildings, 8 nurse, dental clinic, 14 repairs on property, 385 water bill, 459 Chicago Opera Trio, contract, 99 Chicago Products Exposition, 45 Children's clinic, nurse, appointed, 14 Choiaaer, C. W., degree, 631 Christensen Bros., contracts, 410, 469 Christian, H. M., appointment, 402 degree, 17c Christoffer, M . E., degree, 620 Christopher, F., appointment, 391 Christy, G. J., appointments, 119, 337 Chubbuck, J. E., note canceled, 386 Ciesla, J. C., degree, 629 Cigrana, B. J., appointment, 389 Cipriani, J. B., appointments, 389, 448 Cisne, I. M., degree, 611 Civil Engineering, budget, 338 expense, 337 salaries, 337 Cizek, C. J., degree, 268 Clancy, E. L., degree, 80 Clanton, E., appointment, 320 Clarida, B. M., degree, 259 Clark, A., appointment, 330 Clark, A. H., appointment, 364 Clark, A. L., degree, 629 Clark, B.T appointment, 243 Clark, C. R., degree, 513 Clark, E. C , appointment, 402 Clark, F. M-, appointment, 346 Clark, H. C , degree, 252 Clark, H. M., appointment, 402 degree, 173 Clark, J. A., appointment, 335 Clark, J. E., degree, 258 Clark, J. H. E., degree, 263 Clark, M-, appointment, 67 Clark, R. M., C-P-A. certificate, 190 Clark, T. A., appointments, 317, 325 leave of absence, 191 Clarkson, L. H., degree, 617 Classics, budget, 325 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Clausen, H., appointment, 358 Clayberg,R.WH.L.,,appointments,344,343 402 Clotfelter,. Investigation, 256 ClockMines D. 243 degree, budget, Cleveland,H.appointments,26* Clercq, MRM L. de,degree, 623 Clendenin, appointment, 338 contract, Clendenen, J.S.,K-,appointment, 67 Clemmons,J.. M.,repair 256259 107, Clements,J.A. C*,degree, 6zi119, 316 Cleaveland,E.B., appointment, 67, 357 Clayton,C.A.,D.,appointments, 200, 335, Ctaxon,G.rSymphony 247fnad, 448 377 150 Clausen,L.,.E.,GMdegree,617173 517 360, 522 Coal Memorial, Clinite, Clingman, A», appointments, CHfton, MW- D.H., Orchestra, ClevelandM D.TCdegree,252 611 Cleary. J.. 5.,G., degree,616 Coady, Clement, degree, scholarship, degree, K., 268 Casberg, B. P., appointments, 139, 448 degree, 623 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 339 Case, H. C. M.. appointment, 348 change of status, 392 Caseley, F. C , degree, 608 Casey, W . C.t appointments, 278, 329, 602, 64S degree, 628 Casper, R. E., degree, 259 Cassidy, H. B., degree, 629 Casteliano, M., degree, 268 Castle, H. P., Experiment Station report, 132 Castle, R. L., appointment, 15, 316 Cathcart, J. M-, 620 Catherwood, B. F., appointment, 107, 333 Catherwood, M . P., degree, 618 Catt, O. A., degree, 4.31 Cattle feeding shed, contract, 282 Caughey, C- H., appointments, 278, 339 Cavanagh, M . F.t degree, 616 Cavanaugh, D. P., degree, 630 Cayard, R. C , prize, 270 Cecil, L. K.., degree, 79 Cen. IU. Public Service Co., cooperative agreement, 171. 598 Ceramic Engineering, budget, 338 expense, 337 salaries, 337 research graduate assistants, 43 Ceramics scholarships, extension, 9 Cerling, F. A., degree, 615 Cermak, A. J-, Experiment Station report, 133 Cerny, J. J., degree, 631 Chadsey, C. E-, appointments, 200, 334, 5*2 Chadsey, C P., degree, 249 Chairs, new Commerce, 285 Challacombe, R. N., degree, 613 Chamberlain, H. T., C.P.A. certificate, 394 Chamberlain, I. M., appointment, 390 Chamberlain, L. E., degree, 631 Chambers, L. F-, degree, 251 Champaign & Urbana Water Co., agreement, 198 Chance, J. H., appointments, 67, 338 Chao, C. Y., degrees, 253, 624 Chapin, G., appointment, 67 Chapman, A. R., degree, 624 Chapman, E. L., degree, 623 scholarship, 223 Chapman, H., degree, 514 Chapman, I. M.t degree, 247 Chapman, J. E., degree, 618 Charlton, C. D „ degree, 619 Chase, E. R-, appointment, 4or Chemical L.budget,512231, 620 354 Cheeseman,E.appointment,614 639 Cheatham,CK.,322degree,7* 639 468463 Chauvet,D.230degree, 264631 231, requireChase,K.H.A.,322degree,requirement, 230 Chen, L. K.,L-,C.P.A.515629 150 Chemistry,degree, appointment, Chemicals, Y.,appointments,389 342 Chessen, Y.,E.degree, gift, 278, Chesnut, N.manufacturelanguage Chester,. Engineering, examiner, Chenoweth,,C.E., degree, Cheng,WW-F-,H.,appointment, Cheney,SMFoundation, 626 resignation, language of, curriculum,degree,323 608 Sanitary, research, salaries,M-,R., expense,E.,degree, ment, 550 T. C. C,
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