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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

640 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 12 REQUEST FOR COMPENSATION FOR ACCIDENT T O STUDENT (27) A young woman student in one of the a h e i c a s s Miss Rosemary Huntltc lse, toon, was injured by having another student fall on her face. Her father asks the University to pay a doctor's bill of #52. On motion of Mr. Wham, the President of the University was directed to inform M r . H u n t o o n that the University has n o liability in such cases. TUTORING OF STUDENTS (28) I recommend that the following regulation be referred to the Committee on Instruction: No member of the staff of the University may tutor for money any University students in any work they are carrying as students of the University. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this matter w a s referred to the Committee on Instruction for consideration and report. A t this point, M r s . Busey withdrew. ELECTRIC WIRING FOR ARMORY ADDITION (29) A recommendation that Professor White's recommendation in the following letter be adopted. 256 Administration Building June 12, 1926 President David Kinley, 355 Administration Building Dear President Kinley: Bids were opened at 2:00 p. m. today in this office on the electric wiring for the Armory Addition and the following bids were received: Marrs-Tanner Electric Company (Danville) $8,650 Koeneman Electric Company (St. Louis) 9,023 F. E. Newbery Electric Company (St. Louis) 9>99° Hughes-Krabbe (Champaign) 11,829 I recommend that the contract be awarded to the Marrs-Tanner** Electric Company on the basis of the low bid. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect On motion of Dr. Noble, the contract for electrical wiring in the addition to the A r m o r y w a s awarded to the Marrs-Tanner C o m p a n y , the low bidders.1 PLUMBERS FOR ARMORY ADDITION (30) A recommendation from Professor White that the contract for plumbing in the addition to the Armory be awarded to Walsh & Slattery, the low bidders. Walsh & Slattery (Peoria) $12,300 Carson-Payson Company (Danville) 15,170 Dooley & Broninga (Peoria) 17,373 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Company (Champaign) 19,665 On motion of Mrs. Evans, this award was made. *See page 644.
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