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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 607 On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this report was received for record and the President of the University was directed to express to the committee the appreciation of the Board. DEGREES CONFERRED IN JUNE, 1926 (3) I request authority to confer degrees at the Commencement exercises in Urbana, June 14, and confirmation of the conferring of degrees in the Chicago departments, June II, on the following duly qualified candidates recommended by the University Senate; and the same authority in case of candidates recommended by the University Senate who shall complete the requirements during the summer session. O n m o t i o n of M r s . B u s e y , these degrees w e r e authorized. SUMMARY OF DEGREES, JUNE, 1926 Degrees in the Graduate School A.M 81 M.S 78 M.Arch 1 Cer.E 1 C.E 3 E.E 4 M.E 2 Ph.D S3 Total 223 Baccalaureate Degrees A.B . 362 B.S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences 31 B. Litt. (class of 1878) 1 B.S. in Commerce 267 B.S. in Engineering 198 B.S. in Engineering (class of 1876) I B.S. in Agriculture 102 B.S. in Education 225 B.Mus 12 B.L.S 11 Total 1210 Degrees in Law B.S 11 LL.B 28 J.D _ 3 Total 42 Total, Colleges and Schools at Urbana 1475 Degrees in Medicine B.S 6S Certificate in Medicine' 12s Total 65 Degrees in Dentistry B.S : 5 D.D.S 26 Total 31 Showing the completion of four years' work—not counted as degrees.
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