Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

59° board of trustees [ M a y 15 On motion of Mr. Wham, the report on commercial activities was accepted. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT K1NLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. OPTION O N PERCIVAL FARM (1) A statement concerning the option on the Percival farm now leased by the University. O n motion of M r s . Ickes, this matter w a s referred to the C o m mittee on Agriculture for consideration and report. RETIRING ALLOWANCE FOR PROFESSOR GOEBEL (2) A request from Professor Julius Goebel to be heard concerning the amount of his retiring allowance. Professor Goebel w a s heard b y the Board, D e a n Babcock and D e a n Daniels being present. D e a n Babcock m a d e a statement concerning the matter. N o action w a s taken. RETIRING ALLOWANCE FOR PROFESSOR BARTON (3) A request that Professor H. J. Barton be given a hearing concerning his retiring allowance. Professor Barton stated that he had served the University for thirty-five years, and that in his opinion such extra long service should be considered w h e n the a m o u n t of the retiring allowance w a s determined. N o action w a s taken in this matter. MURAL DECORATIONS IN NEW LIBRARY (4) Sketches of the four mural decorations for the new Library, prepared by Mr. Barry Faulkner, the artist. O n motion of M r . W h a m , these designs were approved. REPORT ON THE SOLLIDAY CASE (5) In accordance with your instructions, given m e at the last meeting of the Board, I have gathered and herewith submit to you the facts concerning the dropping of Mr. M . F. Solliday from the College of Medicine.1 O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the Secretary w a s instructed to notify D r . Solliday that the Board found nothing in the evidence submitted nor in the record of studies of M r . M . F. Solliday that would justify the Board in reversing the decision of the Council of A d m i n istration in the matter. A P P O I N T M E N T O F D R . D O N A L D B. K E Y E S (6) I recommend that Dr. D. B. Keyes, who i at present Head of the Research s Laboratory of the United States Industrial Alcohol Company, be appointed Professor of Industrial Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at an annual salary of $6000 beginning September I, 1926. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this appointment w a s m a d e . 1The original report is in the files of the Secretary of the Board.