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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 539 Monahan, Mildred A., Stenographer in Agricultural College Extension, for seven months beginning February 1, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation offivehundred ninety-five dollars ($595). (January 19, 1926) Moore, C. L., University Mechanical Engineer, for seven months beginning February I, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of two thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars (¥2625). (January 18, 1926) Murrell, M . T., Laboratory Helper in Chemistry, for seven months beginning February 1, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of five hundred ninety-five dollars ($595). (January 29, 1926) Norgaard, Evelyn, Assistant in Orthodontia and Children's Clinic, in the College of Dentistry, for seven and one-half months beginning January 15, 1926, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month. (January 13, 1926) Rubin, H . H., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for four months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of seventy-five dollars (¥75). (January 20, 1926) Sanders, W . H., Assistant in Physics, for four and one-half months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation at the rate of eighty dollars (J80) a month. (February 11, 1926) Schmitt, P. G. F., Assistant in Pathology and Bacteriology, in the College of Medicine, on one-fourth time, for four months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of one hundred forty dollars ((J140). (February 11, 1926) Sennewald, Mrs. E. F., Research Chemist in Pediatrics, in the College of Medicine, beginning October 1, 1925, and continuing for a period not to exceed six months, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred dollars ($200) a month. (January 14, 1926) Seward, Mrs. Louise, Stenographer in Animal Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for six months beginning March 1, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of five hundred ten dollars ($510). (February 6, 1926) Sharp, F. W., Assistant in Accountancy, on one-half time, for five months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars ($300). (January 12, 1926) Shultheis, Alida Y., Filing Clerk in the Infirmary, in the College of Dentistry, for eight months beginning January 1, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of four hundred dollars ($400). (January 12, 1926) Skinner, Helen H., Assistant in Medicine, for seven months beginning February I, 1926, at a cash compensation of one thousand one hundred sixty-six and two-thirds dollars ($1166.66). (February 8, 1926) Smith, C. F., Jr., Research Graduate Assistant in Highway Engineering, beginning February 1, 1926, and continuing until February 1, 1927, excluding July and August, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars (?6oo). (January 20, 1926) Steinberg, M . J., Assistant in Pathology and Bacteriology, in the College of Medicine, on one-fourth time, for four months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of eighty dollars (?8o). (February 11, 1926) Stocking, Helen F., Dispensary Clerk in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January 1, 1926, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of six hundred eighty dollars (?68o). (January 12, 1926) Templin, Dorothy, Stenographer in Agronomy, in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, for seven months beginning February sation ofsubject to thesixty dollars ($560). This supersedes herat a cash compenment. (January 15, 1926) 1, 1926, fivehundred rules of the Civil Service Commission, previous appoint-
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