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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 519 This appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. W h a m ; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, M r Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Small. DEATH OF WILLIAM FOGARTY (11) I recommend that an appropriation of $406.55 be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund f r death benefit to the family of William Fogarty and o that the Comptroller be authorized to make the payment to Mr. Fogarty's l g l ea representative. This appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. W h a m ; no, none; absent, Mr. Barr, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Small. OUTSIDE CONNECTION WITH CARTHAGE EXPERIMENT FIELD DRAIN (12) Last October Dean Mumford reported that a request had been received from Mr. T. M. Hartzell, of Carthage, who was building a house adjoining the University's Experiment Field at Carthage, for permission to connect his cellar drain to our main branch. Shortly afterward, Mr. Hartzell died and the administrators of his estate proceeded to connect the Hartzell cellar drain with the main drain on the University's land before action on their request had been taken. I ask authority to proceed in the matter in accordance with the advice of the Legal Counsel. O n motion of M r . W h a m , the President of the University w a s authorized to proceed as requested. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WRIGHT STREET (13) The Supervising Architect has a communication from the Mayor of Champaign stating that the City Council believes that Wright Street should be widened from Springfield Avenue to Armory Avenue. N o action was taken in this matter. EXAMINATION BOOKS (14) The Council of Administration recommends that the rule with reference to the use of examination books be modified to read as follows: "For the regular examinations at the end of each semester, for final examinations in courses continuing less than a full semester, for special examinations, for examinations previous to mid-semester reports, and for entrance examinations, the Comptroller shall furnish examination books. He shall give out such books on the requisition of the head of each University department, which requisition shall state the size and the exact number of books needed for each course in his department. Examination books for entrance examinations shall be given out on the requisition of the Registrar." O n motion of M r . Trees, this rule was amended as recommended. PROXY FROM PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (15) Proxy blanks for the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, the officers of the Board were authorized to execute this proxy. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR A. F. DODGE (16) O n recommendation of Dean Chadsey, I have approved the appointment of Arthur Farwell Dodge as Assistant Professor of Industrial Education for four
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