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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

478 board o f t r u s t e e s [December 8 The laboratories are placed in a four-story wing extending to the west which will have aflatroof so that the chimneys from the vent flues will not have to be carried so high; and also for economy's sake. The preliminary estimates on the building are based upon fully equipping the building with both fixed and portable equipment, including, of course, the fee for architectural services. Boilers for heating this building will be in the basement but a cross connection between the new and the present boiler rooms is provided so that one fireman can take care of all the boilers. I have authorized the test borings necessary to determine the character of footings, which will cost less than $200. I recommend the approval of these plans. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these plans were approved. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER (5) T h e Comptroller's report of contracts executed from November 17 to December 3, 1925. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACT E X E C U T E D U N D E R GENERAL REGULATIONS Namt Amount Dt at Ie tm Otil Elevator Company $8.00 per month 11-6-25 Service on elevator on Farm MechanDate Amount Department Firm Description Procedure ics Building n-Jx-25 . . .£1850.00 . Physical T. A. Foley Lumber Competitive Plant Quotations PURCHASE ORDERS, NOVEMBER, Randolph Hauling TO $1000 Supervising Otto 1925, AMOUNTING Arranged by Architect MORE Supervising OR Incorporated Architect H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. LOT 86 IN COLLEGE PLACE (6) The following letter from the Comptroller. December 4, 1925 President David Kinley, University of Illinois M y Dear President Kikley: On March 13, 1913, page 154, the Board of Trustees authorized the purchase of Lot Eighty-six (86) in College Place from Fannie B. Sherfy and made an appropriation for a part payment on this and other lots. A contract was made with Miss Sherfy for the purchase of this lot providing for a deferred balance of$1800, as reported on April 11, 1923. This contract was, on October 25, 1924, extended for one year or such length of time as might be necessary for the owner to perfect the title. This has n o w been done and the title has been approved by Judge Harker. The deal is, therefore, in shape to be closed. I therefore request and recommend that an appropriation of $1800 be m a d e from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to pay the balance due on this contract. This is the only amount outstanding and unpaid on College Place lots, the purchase of which has been authorized. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller On motion of Mrs. Evans, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s .
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