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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
466 board of trustees This report was received for record. [November 19 REPORT OF ACCOUNTANCY COMMITTEE (16) The r p r o the University Committee, on Accountancy f r the year endeot f o ing June 30, 1925. REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTANCY Dr. David Kinley, President Dear M r . President: The University Committee on Accountancy respectfully submits, herewith, a report of its work for the year ended June 30, 1925. Personnel The membership of the University Committee has been as follows: Professor M . H. Robinson, Chairman; Professor W . E. Britton; Registrar G. P. Tuttle, Secretary, ex-officio. Mr. D. A. Grossman, Examiner in the Registrar's Office, has served again as Clerk of the Committee. The University Committee recommended the appointment of Mr. Walter F. Dodd, Ph.D., of Chicago to the Board of Examiners to succeed Mr. Harry J. Dunbaugh, LL.B., whose term expired June 30, 1924. You presented his name to the Board of Trustees, the Board approved the appointment and Mr. Dodd accepted it. The organization of the Board has been as follows: Mr. James P. McGregor, C.P.A., Chairman Mr. Frederick B. Andrews, C.P.A., Secretary Mr. Walter F. Dodd, Ph.D. Examinations T w o examinations have been held during the year, one on November 13, 14, 1924, and another on M a y 21, 22, 1925. The November examination was given in the city of Chicago. The M a y examination was given at Urbana and at Chicago. One hundred sixty-one candidates were examined in November and two hundred thirty-four in May, making a total of three hundred ninety-five for the year. Ninety-four of these candidates were successful and have been awarded the certificate as follows: November Examination Certificate Certificate Name Number Name Number Maxwell Abbell 573 Alfred C. Luedeman 598 William Bernard Ackermann 574 M. 0 .Marvin 599 Leslie George Agasim 575 Russell Howard Morrison 600 Roy Wilfred Airman 576 Joseph H. Mueller 601 David Jackson Anderson 577 Jacob Meyer Newberg 602 Matthew Harvey Barnes 578 Harry Edward Oldham 603 William Howard Billington 579 Charles Osborn Passmore 604 Robert Alfred Bryant 580 Per Oscar Pearson 605 Richard McCord Clark 581 Orion Morgan Perrenot 606 Harvey Charles Daines 582 Meyer Lipman Rosenberg 607 Orval W. Diehl 583 Hyman Albert Sayre 608 James Francis Duffy 584 Lincoln George Schick 609 Joseph Joyce Ehrlich 585 Michael John Schmaus 610 Clarence Webster Fackler 586 John Jerome Schuneman 611 John William Garrett 587 Arthur Sieferman 612 William Wesley Gilkinson, Jr 588 Robert Albert Sigmann 613 Jerome Fred Glasser 589 Henry Ezmond Smith 614 Willard J Graham . 590 Frank Phillip Sniff 615 Glenn Lucius Hefner 591 Philip Florsheim Stein 616 H. Roy Joannes 592 Howard Smith Thompson 617 Harry Joseph Josephson 593 Paul Edward Tillman 618 Samuel M. Levin Philip Annis Klapman Sidney Henry Lee Cletus M. Lefstein 594 Oliver Otis Wilson 597 RaymondManuel Vega 596 Clarke IL.Townsend 595 Robert . Ward 621 619 620 622
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