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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS 395 (36) The Comptroller submits the following report of contracts executed by him since the last report, and also a report of the purchase orders issued by the purchasing agent in excess of $1,000 for the months of July and August: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER JULY 23—SEPTEMBER 11, 1925 Lease contract executed under general regulations regarding contracts: Property from Property Rental Date Tenure M n . Alice M . Lego Property on $25 per month August 12, 1925 August 15, 1925 Pennsylvania Avenue to August 15, opposite Amount Military 1926 Ittm Name Date Stables U* S. Veterans* Bureau Regular fees August 31, 1925 Regular instruction for school Miscellaneous contracts executed under genera! regulations regardingyear September 25, 1925— contracts: June 13, 1926 to be rendered to Veterans' Bureau stuU.S. Veterans'Bureau Regular fees September 3,1925 dents in Urbana Departments. Regular instruction for school year October 5, 1925 to June 11, 1926, to be rendered to Veterans' Bureau students in Chicago Departments.
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