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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS H A R D W A R E BID S C H E D U L E Commerce Dairy Mjg. 239 IJ all jobs Men's Hospital West Res. are let in Gym. Hall one contract Conron Hardware Co. Danville, 111 $4171.48 $1032.93 $2580.44 $3160.44 $3489.64 $13,763.67 Holder Hardware Co. Bloomington, 111. ... 3712.27 904.00 2828.00 3155.64 3124.62 deduct 2 % from individual bids Total of individual low bids $13,476.97 Holder Hardware Combined Bid 13,450.04 O n motion of M r . Barr, this contract was awarded to the Holder Hardware C o m p a n y . BIDS ON REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FOR DAIRY MANUFACTURES BUILDING (29) The following letter from the Supervising Architect on this matter: May 15, 1925 President David Kinley, 355 Administration Building M y Dear President Kinley: W e have received two bids on the refrigeration equipment for the Dairy Manufactures building, as follows: The Creamery Package Manufacturing Co $11,300.00 The Westerlin & Campbell Co 11,750.00 The Frick Company was invited to bid but did not do so. I recommend that the contract be awarded to the Westerlin & Campbell Company who appear to be the high bidders, but as explained in the accompanying letter from Professor Ruehe, they have included more equipment than their competitors which makes them the low bidder. Yours truly, James M. White Supervising Architect On motion of Mrs. Evans, t i contract was awarded to the hs Westerlin & Campbell Co. CONTRACT FOR EQUIPMENT TO BOILER HOUSE (30) The following letter from the Supervising Architect: May 13, 1925 President David Kinley, 333 Administration Building M y Dear President Kinley: As you will remember, we have a $60,000 state appropriation for an addition to the Boiler House, which was supplemented by a University appropriation of $20,000. I recommend the award of the following contracts for equipment: Two B & W boilers, 508 h. p. each, for $25,120.00, with a deduction from the final payment of $3,360.00 making a net price of $21,760.00, erected on foundations furnished by us and ready for brick setting. This is not a competitive bid for we wanted to maintain uniformity in style of boilers and the price which they are making us is an exceedingly favorable one. I also recommend that the contract for the extension of our present coal and ash conveyor be awarded to the Link-Belt Company of Chicago at a price of $2,515.00. As this is their equipment, no other bidders are available, but the price i satisfactory s and is a trifle less than we paid them in 1919. W e have three bidders on the chain grate stokers: The Laclede Stoker Company, of St. Louis. The Combustion Engineering Corporation of Chicago, and
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