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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHEDULE A 235 MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH Jl, 1925 Assets Cask 2 345 30 Due from Pledge Installments (See Schedule C) 813 081 21 Property and Equipment (Cash Disbursements to Date)... Construction in Progress I 668 185 44 I 668 185 44 Total Assets * 483 611 96 Liabilities and Surplus Notts Payablt 295 120 38 Contracts Outstanding (Schedule D) 46 837 35 Invested is Plant and Equipment 1 668 185 44 Total 2 010 143 17 Balance of Pledges (Gross) over Expenditures and Contracts 473 468 79 SCHEDULE B Total Liabilities FUND Surplus 2483 611 96 MEMORIAL STADIUM and S U M M A R Y O F RECEIPTS A N D DISBURSEMENTS AS A T M A R C H 31, 1925 Prior to 1924-25 Total July 1, to March to March 1924 31,1925 31,1925 Receipts Pledges 1 16s 495 52 187 440 90 I 352 936 42 Miscellaneous Donations 5 856 22 25 00 5 881 22 LessRefunda 479 95 11500 594 95 Total Donations 5 J76 27 (9000) 528627 Total Pledges and Donations (1 170 871 79) (187 350 90) (1 35822269) Interest on Pledges I 55' +4 94' 12 249256 Interest on Investments 16 204 45 16 204 45 Loans from Athletic Association 7262038 22250000 29512038 Total Receipts 1 261 248 06 410 792 02 1 672 040 08 Disbursmtnts Office and Collection Expense ffo be refunded by Athletic Association) Salaries and Wages 65774 65774 Office Supplies 682 682 Postage 797 30 797 30 Printing and Stationery 43 48 43 48 Telephone and Telegraph 400 400 Total Office and Collection Expense (150934) (1 509 34) Construction in Progress Plans and Specifications 477 61 477 61 Architectural Services 56 000 00 56 000 00 General Construction 913 316 14 373 986 70 128730284 Reenforcing Steel 33 343 03 139 75 M 482 78 Structural Steel 155 802 52 155 802 52 Electric Wiring 19 172 00 350000 2267200 Finishing Hardware 630000 80485 710485 Filtering Equipment 60994 60994 Heating and Ventilating 364300 667150 10 314 50 Lighting Fixtures 7 34' 66 734166 Plumbing, Gas Fittings and Drainage 59 333 94 1615298 7548692 Supervision and Testing Materials 9 792 69 I 359 84 II 152 S3 Incidentals 31,1924 in Schedule 437 29, TotalTotal Construction I 258 091 A) 4" 603 II I (1 258694 78 (41013649, (1 668 345 44) BalanceDisbursements(See Progress 67 March 669 30080 091 67) 093 77) „ 2 1B5 30
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