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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 16 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS, APRIL 17 A N D 28, 1925 The Secretary presented the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee held on April 17 and April 28, 1925. MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1925 A meeting of the Executive Committee was called by the President of the Board in Chicago at 2 p. m., Friday, April 17, on request of the President of the University to consider certain emergency matters. President Noble and M r . Trees were present; absent, Mrs. Busey. President Kinley was also present. The following matters were presented by the President of the University: 1. Offer of Radio Station by M r . B. H . Sullivan. The following telegram was received by m e on Tuesday last: O n this thefifthanniversary of the death of m y beloved father, Roger C. Sullivan, I respectfully tender to the University of Illinois the endowment of a radio broadcasting station to be used as a means of educational aid to boys and girls of the State of Illinois to which m y father was so endeared. In the hope that appropriate action m a y be taken for the acceptance of this endowment by the institution of which you are the head I have already made plans for proper permit and call letters. Will you kindly initiate steps necessary for approval and advise m e if possible to accept. Boetius H . Sullivan I replied as follows: Your telegram offering University of Illinois endowment of radio broadcasting station gratefully received. It being impossible for me, owing to absence from town, to call on you tomorrow I a m asking M r . Merle Trees, member of our Board, to do so and learn details necessary for appropriate official action, which I will see is taken at earliest practicable date, probably a few days. Hope I myself m a y have pleasure of seeing you Thursday if you are well enough to receive callers. Meantime with personal expression of kindly remembrance of your father with w h o m I had some acquaintance, I thank you for the Trustees, faculty, and students of the University. David Kinley President, University of Illinois Accordingly I have called on M r . B. H . Sullivan and after discussing the matter he gave m e the following: DEED OF GIFT K N O W JUL M E N B Y THESE PRESENTS, That I, Boetius H. Sullivan, do hereby give to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a radio station with a fund for the operation, maintenance and improvement of said station so as to keep said station abreast of the art, so far as can now be determined by George Hull Porter, General Manager of the Western Electric Company. I will build and equip a radio station with a m a x i m u m power of five thousand kilowatts under the direction of the Supervising Architect of the University of Illinois, on property of the University of Illinois, at Urbana Illinois, in accordance with the best and most advanced specifications for radio station building and equipment. I give this station to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois in complete ownership and control now and in the future. This station shall be known as the Roger C. Sullivan Memorial Radio Station. Officially it shall be designated by the letters W I L L . I further hereby agree and promise that having built and equipped said radio station as described above, completely at m y own expense, I will, not later than January 1st, 1926, transfer and give to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, money or securities or other property sufficient to yield an income per year of as much money as m a y be necessary for the operation maintenance and improvement of said station so as to keep said station abreast of the art, so far as can now be determined by George Hull Porter, General Manager of the Western Electric Company.
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