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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 2C"3 281.25 312.50 450.00 500.00 George T. Stafford, Assistant Professor 450.00 Walter S. Brown, Assistant Darwin Hindman, Instructor Ward L. Lambert Frederick W . Maroney Total $ 7,356-25 Physics E. H. Williams, Assistant Professor R. F. Paton, Associate C. C. Schmidt, Assistant K. O. Smith, Assistant V. M . Albers, Assistant A. D. Hummell, Assistant Total $ 1,950.00 Physiology W . W . Tuttle, Instructor Political Science J. W . Garner, Professor Psychology Madison Bentley, Professor Glenn Higginson, Assistant Total $ 1,066.66 Romance Languages J. D. Fitz-Gerald, Professor T. E. Oliver, Professor — , Instructor (part-time) Pauline Pierson, Assistant Rachel Breathwit, Assistant (part-time) F. D. Cheydleur, Professor Total $ 2,695.81 Sociology E. C. Hayes, Professor Total E. T. Hiller, Instructor (part-time) Zoology S. A. Ratcliffe, Associate (part-time) H. J. Van Cleave, Associate Professor $ 500.00 45°.oo 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 $ 35°-°° $ 900.00 $ 800.00 266.66 $ 75°-°° 666.66 225.00 266.66 21249 575-00 $ 1,166.65 833.33 166.66 166.66 $ 583-33 Waldo Shvtmway, Associate Professor 583-33 A. C. Walton, Instructor 275.00 Total $ 1,441-33 GRAND TOTAL $63,690.62 O n motion of M r . Trees, the S u m m e r Session budget w a s approved and the President of the University w a s authorized to m a k e such adjustments as m a y be necessary.
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