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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. PROGRESS ON BUILDINGS (1) A report of the progress on the buildings now under construction. O n motion of M r . Trees, this report w a s received for record, and the President of the B o a r d w a s requested to write the contractor concerning the serious lack of progress o n the Library building. APPROPRIATION FOR HONORS DAY (2) A request f r an a p o r a i n of $1,000 from the Reserve and Contingent o prpito Fund t meet the n c s a y expenses o Honors Day. o eesr f This appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. W h a m ; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Ickes, Mr. Small. PRACTITIONERS IN THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (3) With r f r n e to the medical o g n z t o best c n t t t d f r the new Mceeec raiain osiue o Kinley University Hospital, I have consulted the Legal Counsel of the University and a number of m y colleagues. After the best study I have been able to give the matter I submit the following as m y view of the proper policy: The Medical Practice Act of 1923 (see Harke^s Annotated Statutes, Volume 3, Chapter 91, Section 5 and Laws of Illinois, Fifty-Third General Assembly, page 437-38) divides practitioners of medicine into two classes: (a) those who practice medicine and surgery in all their branches; (b) those who practice any system or method of treating human ailments without the use of drugs or medicine and without operative surgery. Inasmuch as our experience shows that cases of illness going to our hospital are of great variety with all sorts of reactions to one another, with constant possibility of infection, from simple cases to very complex ones, it would appear that the interests of the students and faculty of the University who use the hospital require that physicians practicing therein shall be those who have licenses to practice medicine in all its branches; or, in other words, those in the first class described above. I therefore recommend the appointment of an executive staff of three, to be > nominated to you by the President of the University annually to serve from July \i of each year. I further recommend that this executive staff be authorized to appoint a staff of assistants on application from physicians licensed to practice medicine in Illinois in all its branches including surgery as described above. I nominate as the executive staff to serve until July I, 1925, Dr. J. H. Beard, Dr. M . L. Etheredge, and Dr. V. A. Ross. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, these recommendations were adopted and the Executive Staff w a s appointed. INVESTMENT OF GEHRMANN AND PART OF PLYM AND GREGORY FUNDS (4) The following letter on this matter from the Comptroller: April 4, 1925 President David Kinley, University of Illinois M y Deax President Kinley: The purchase of Illinois Central STA% bonds for the Gehrmann Lectureship Fund has been concluded at a cost of $102.65 Per I0°-
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