Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i88 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 10 PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED DURING JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1925, AMOUNTING TO $ , 0 OR MORE 100 O No. Date re dr Firm Description Amount Department 20544 1/6/25 $1,560 00 Astronomy 20703 1/10/25 2,500 00 20742 1/12/25 1,038 00 21004 1/19/25 1,000 00 21575 2/2/25 1,300 00 J. B. Hayes M a chine Company Sup. Arch. H. Hunsucker Elect. Eng. Elect. Storage Battery Co. Registrar Rounds-Truman Rebuilding Telescope Transplanting Trees Chloride Accumulator Eng rossing Diplomas Co. Classical Joseph Brummer Amphora Museum (Exhibits) Phy. Plant J. A. Roebling Telephone & Son Cable Phy. Plant Central Elect. Co. Power Cable 22180 2/18/25 3,278 00 22185 2/18/25 3,630 55 H. M. Edwards This report w a s received for record. Purchasing Agent BIDS FOR HEATING THE WEST RESIDENCE HALL (5) The Supervising Architect, Professor James M . White, submits a schedule of bids received for heating the West Residence Hall and recommends that the contract be awarded to the Carson-Payson Company, whom he considers the lowest responsible bidder, time being of the essence of this contract. I recommend concurrence in the recommendation of the Supervising Architect. HEATING BIDS—WEST RESIDENCE HALL March 2, 1925 Bidder Address Amount C. L. Moore Davenport, la 10 890 00 Carson-Payson Company Danville 11 888 00 Eichler Heating Co St. Louis 11 917 00 Carstens Bros Ackley, Iowa 12 275 00 Reliable Plbg. & Htg. Co Champaign 13 090 00 Mehring & Hanson Chicago 13 275 00 Moline Heating & Cons. Co Moline, 1 1 1 13 420 00 O'Neill & Sons Co Peoria 14 998 00 Walsh & Slattery Peoria 15 600 00 During the discussion of this matter, Governor Small withdrew. O n motion of M r . Barr, the recommendation of the President was concurred in, and the contract w a s awarded to the CarsonPayson C o m p a n y . O n motion of M r . Trees, the contractors on the n e w buildings were requested to present a schedule of progress on the buildings. INVESTMENT OF THE GEHRMANN MEMORIAL MEDICAL LECTURESHIP FUND (6) The following report of the meeting of the Advisory Investment Committee which is recommended for your approval and action thereon: The Committee met in the President's Office at the call of the Chairman, Presiident Kinley. Present President Kinley, Professor White, Mr. Morey. The Chairman presented a communication from the Comptroller calling attention to the sum of $10,000 on hand in the Gehrmann Medical Lectureship Fund for investment and transmitting a recommendation from Mr. A. M . Burke, Treasurer of the University, that the fund be invested in Illinois Central 5K's of 1934, at the present market from 102.50 to 103.