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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
186 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 10 O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this report was approved and adopted. O n motion of Mr. Blair, the President and the Secretary of the Board were authorized to execute the contract for the organ. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. CARTER-PENNELL TRUST (i) A statement concerning the provisions of the Carter-Pennell trust deed with respect to the managing committee. M r . Carter, M r . A . R. Hall, and D e a n M u m f o r d were present and discussed this matter. M r . Hall presented the following resolution, which, on the recommendation of President Kinley and on motion of M r . Blair, was adopted. M r . Carter in the presence of the Board signed the statement expressing his approval of the resolution. RESOLUTION W H E R E A S , the Deed creating the Carter-Pennell Trust for Educational purposes, places thefinalresponsibility for the direction, control and management of the Trust Estate in the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and their successors in office; and W H E R E A S , said Trustees are authorized and directed to delegate to a Trust Committee, consisting of the President of the University of Illinois, the Dean or Head of the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois, the Dean or Head of the College of Engineering of the University of Illinois, and the Dean or Head of the Department of H o m e Economics of the University of Illinois, the power to represent and to act for said Trustees in carrying out the provisions of said Carter-Pennell Trust; and W H E R E A S , said Trustees realize that the President of the University, in particular, will not be able to give his personal attention to the direction, control and management of the Farms of said Trust Estate; and W H E R E A S , it seems, from said Deed, that it was the real intent of the creators of said Trust that the virtual direction, control and management of said Trust Farms should be entrusted, in large measure, to the Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University, and that the other Members of said Trust Committee should act very largely in an advisory capacity to aid said Dean of said College of Agriculture in the carrying out of the powers and duties delegated to said Trust Committee by said Board of Trustees; therefore B E IT R E S O L V E D , by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois that, in accepting the Trust created by said Deed, this Board of Trustees assumed complete responsibility for the carrying out in good faith of all the provisions of said CarterPennell Trust; that this Board of Trustees feels that it was not intended that the President of the University should give any more personal attention to the work of said Trust Committee than he gives to other administrative work which devolves upon him by virtue of his official position as such President; that this Board of Trustees docs hereby place the active direction, control and management of said Trust Farms in the charge of the Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University, or such other M e m b e r of said College of Agriculture as said Trust Committee may, at any time, select on the recommendation of said Dean of said College of Agriculture; and that all Members of said Trust Committee, except said Dean of said College of Agriculture, shall not be charged with the direct personal management of said Trust Farms, but such Members shall, from time to time, advise and counsel with said Dean of said College of Agriculture and keep this Board of Trustees informed as to the work of said Trust Committee and its representative and make such suggestions as said M e m -
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