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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 179 Stark, O. K.., Assistant in Botany, on one-fourth time, for five months, beginning January 31, 1925, at a salary of thirty-five dollars ($35) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (January 20, 1925) Walsh, Bessie, University Junior Stenographer in the Purchasing Office of the Chicago Departments, for eight months, beginning January 1, 1925, at a salary of ninety dollars ($90) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (January 27, 1925) Welch, Winona H., Assistant in Botany, on three-fourths time, forfivemonths, begininng February I, 1925, at a salary of one hundred five dollars ($105) a month. This appointment supersedes her previous one. (January 20, 1925) T h e Executive C o m m i t t e e adjourned. H. E. Cunningham Clerk W . L. Noble, Chairman Laura B. Evans
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