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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 171 A G R E E M E N T W I T H ILLINOIS S T A T E ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATION A N D C E N T R A L ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE C O M P A N Y F O R C R O P INVESTIGATION (4.) I report for record my action in authorizing the Comptroller to make an agreement with the Illinois State Electrical Association and the Central I l n i lios Public Service Company for cooperative investigation in the practicability of the use of electricity in agriculture. This agreement i in accordance with our policy in s such matters and has received the approval of the Legal Counsel. This report w a s received for record. USE OF ELLS LAND (5) Through Professor J. M . White, Dean Mumford suggests that for the coming year the Ells land, recently bought, be assigned to the College of Agriculture to use. The Dean i of the opinion that they could plant the land to corn to be used in s f l i g the silos. I recommend that the land be thus assigned. iln O n motion of M r s . Evans, this land w a s assigned to the College of Agriculture for the coming year. INSURANCE ON CARTER-PENNELL FARM BUILDINGS (6) On request of Dean Mumford I recommend that the Committee on the CarterPennell Trust Farms be authorized to carryfireinsurance to the extent of $5,000 on the buildings on each of the farms, the expense to be charged to the income from the farms. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this insurance w a s authorized. APPROPRIATION FOR LIBRARY STACKS, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (7) I recommend that $500 be appropriated from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to the Supervising Architect for library stacks at the College of Medicine. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this appropriation was made. APPROPRIATION TO REPAIR AUDITORIUM PIERS (8) The Assistant Supervising Architect informs me that the brick piers which carry the firstfloorof the Auditorium are in bad condition and that i will cost two t thousand ($2000) dollars to put them in such condition that they will be absolutely safe. I therefore recommend that an appropriation of $2000 be made, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the Reserve and Contingent Fund for this purpose. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this appropriation was m a d e . EXPENSE IN CLAIM OF TEMPLE BROTHERS (9) Suit for damages was f l d by George Temple and Arthur R. Temple of Chamie paign on account of alleged loss by them in the transaction of a purchase of hogs from the University. A hearing was duly held by the Attorney-General and two bills were presented by him to the University with the request that the University pay them. They are for $60.20 to A. N. Tobias, court reporter, and $20.50 to W . B. Riley for services rendered at the hearing. The University has never before been called on to pay bills of this kind. Judge Harker has been in communication with the Attorney-General on the matter. But a conclusion has not been reached as to whether the Attorney-General can and will pay these bills. Therefore, I recommend that the President of the University be given authority to authorize the payment of these bills on advice of our Legal Counsel. O n motion of M r s . Evans, the President of the University w a s authorized to order the payment of these bills. COMMENCEMENT OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS AT URBANA (10) Some years ago the University brought the members of the graduating classes of the Chicago Departments to Urbana for joint commencement exercises partly or wholly at University expense.
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