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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1924] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS III Pollack, L. F., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars (gio) a month. (October 10, 1924) Pond, Bertram, Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Powell, M . E., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars (#10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Pratt, Sherman, Assistant in English, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars (£150) a month. (October 4, 1924) Prescott, M . U., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for four months, beginning October 1, 1924, at a salary of twenty dollars ($20) a month. (October 15, 1924) Ramser, J. R., Assistant in Accountancy, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of sixty dollars ($60) a month. (September 29, 1924) Reuterskiold. Knute, Technician in the Department of Preventive Medicine, in the College of Medicine, for one year, beginning September l, 1924, at a salary of one hundred dollars (#100) a month. (October 21, 1924) Roe, S. G., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars (?io) a month. (October 10, 1924) Roeske, A. G., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, 1924) Ronalds, F. S., Assistant in History, for four months, beginning October 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred forty dollars (#140) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (October 2, 1924) Schuh, Irma, Assistant in the Department of Physical Education for Women. on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of eighty dollars ($8o) a month. (September 27, 1924) Shockley, C. M., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, l9U) . . . . . Stoneman, A. C , Student Assistant m Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) a month. (October 10, *924) Thayer, Janet C , Technician in Pathology, in the College of Medicine, for nine months and eight days, beginning September 22, 1924, at a salary of ninety dollars (£90) a month. (September 27, 1924) Tschentke, H. L., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September I, 1924, at a salary of sixty dollars (£60) a month. (September 29, 1924) Utzig, Esther, Assistant in Geography, in the Department of Geology, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred twenty dollars (#120) a month. This appointment supersedes her previous one. (October 2, T924) Whisenand, W . B., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1924, at a salary of ten dollars (#10) a month. (October 10, 1924) White, A. R., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for eight months, beginning October 1, 1924, at a salary of sixty-two and one-half dollars (#62.50) a month. (October 18, 1924) White, Mathilda, Instructor and Superintendent of Children's Clinic, in the College of Dentistry, for ten months, beginning November 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred eighty-three and one-third dollars ($183.33) a month. (October 18, X9Z4> Whitten, J. L,., Assistant in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in the Collegehof B o a rseventy-five ten months, beginning September. 1, 1924,1924) salary at of E. hundred Secretary H.one Cunningham for dollars ($175) a month. (September Noble a T e Engineering, d adjourned. W L. 29, President
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