Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ASSETS Microscope NoteB Receivable Estimated Income from: State Board of Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes).. 15 000 00 Special Veteran's Bureau Contract. 4 407 931 TotalGeneraland Building Funds Income from EndowTrust Funds , ments. 7 000 00 Cash. (Schedule B) Fees 368 642 03 Notes Receivable Sale* III. State Auditor (Endowment 49 919 from Fund 33 Investments Land Grant of 1862) IV. Plant and Property (July 1,1924) Total. BALANCE SHEET AS A T S E P T E M B E R 30, 1924 (Continued; LIABILITIES A N D S U R P L U S 436 153 43 £6 825 756 92 157 723 10 533 331 io 57 116 30 218 491 70 649 012 91 12 951 876 61 TotalGeneraland Building Funds.. II. Reserve for Trust Funds (Schedule O). . 6 825 756 92 533 33i to S20 959 977 54 649 01a 91 Ill, Reserve for Endowment Fund IV. Bonds (Dental Property). . ,?6o 000 00 LessTreasury Bonds 3 00000 57 00000 Mortgages Payable on Property Purchased 24 700 00 12 951 876 61 Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets 12 870 176 61 £20 959 977 54 Total. Credit Balance. Budget Pending.