Caption: Mathematical Models by Arnold Emch - Series 3 (1925) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
t he cubic m a y be put in the form ^ - 1 4- 1 , ice - 1) 2k 1 ! 2(y I, I which shows thar the circles o n rhc cubic arrange themselves into couples of equal circles \2 values o! z) such thai their projections o n the z-plane are equal Fig 4 T h e intersection of rhe i-plane with rhe cubic is the hyperbola 2z- - v: 4- v - - ;= O , with the asymptotes c -- 1 and : = l<2.i - ]c?; , .and the line x = L In both, models the circular sections are represented b y a l u m i n u m disks. T h e y are also reproduced b y plaster-casts. Fig. 5 [10]