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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1992] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 61 Contract, On-Site Medical Record Services, University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics, Chicago (21) The chancellor at Chicago recommends contracting with Care Communications, Inc., an Illinois corporation, for the period of September 1, 1992, through June 30, 1993, with the delegation of authority to the comptroller to renew the contract for an additional year. In order to assure accuracy and, more importantly, the timeliness of billing, it is often necessary to provide for float personnel to fill in for vacancies, vacation, sick leave, and periodic peak periods. Further, it is more efficient and cost-effective to do so through an outside agency rather than provide for additional permanent staff. This contract will provide such float services to the Medical Record Services on an on-call/on-demand basis throughout the fiscal year and will be used only when necessary. Medical Record Services of the Univers»»v of Illinois Hospital and Clinics provides the essential coding of diagnoses and procedures for patient billing and for the maintenance of the Disease and Operation Index (a research categorization). A review and validation of patient records is required to analyze the services provided in order to produce a bill and update the index. In addition, staff provide for complete Diagnostic Related Group validation for Medicare cases. Care Communications, Inc., has provided float services for over four years to both Medical Record Services and the Tumor Registry. This contract will continue those services for Medical Record Services only. Care Communications, Inc., is one of only a few firms in the Chicago area with the expertise to provide these services. Their past performance has been excellent and their pricing structure is competitive, and in most cases, less than the other firms. Payments to Care Communications, Inc., for the contract period are not to exceed $100,000 and will be based on the type of coding services provided (inpatient, outpatient surgeries, emergency room, etc.). Funds are available in the Hospital Income Fund. The vice president for business and finance concurs in this recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Boyle, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Mr. Downey, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Governor Edgar, Mrs. Shepherd. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) Contracts, Remodel Ground Floor, Parking Structure No. 1 (Adjacent to Pavilion), Chicago (22) The president of the University, with the concurrence of the appropriate administrative officers, recommends award of the following contracts for remodeling the ground floor of parking structure no. 1 at the Chicago campus. The award in each case is to the lowest responsible bidder on its base bid plus acceptance of the indicated alternates. Division I — General Fisher, Albright 8c Masters, Inc., Elk Grove Village Base Bid Alt. #1 $235 700 5 000 $240 700
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