Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

462 B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S [March 11 indicated that he would work to make changes that would address the student concerns and complimented the students on their presentation. President Ikenberry then spoke to the fact that he was still attempting to get $4.8 million released in a supplemental budget appropriation and that, if possible, this would help provide funds for some of the needs cited by the students. He also praised them for their efforts. This committee meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m. for a meeting of the Committee on Finance and Audit. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND AUDIT Mrs. Gravenhorst opened the committee meeting at 9:40 a.m., and introduced several presenters. (Materials associated with these presentations are on file with the secretary of the board.) Mr. Richard L. Margison, associate vice president for business and finance, then commented on the quarterly investment report, indicating that the two following reports would deal with that. Mr. Douglas Patejunas from Ennis, Knupp & Associates and Mr. Douglas Beckmann, director, Office of Cash Management and Investments, then reported in detail on the University's investments and informed the board that the value had increased in the last quarter. It was also pointed out that the fees for external managers were still quite low compared with peer institutions. Dr. Bazzani then introduced the next topic for this committee — student fee increases, Fiscal Year 1995. (Materials related to this are on file with the secretary of the board.) Dr. Bazzani discussed each fee and its function and gave explanations and justifications for each increase. He indicated that this was preparatory to a recommendation to be made to the board at its meeting in April 1994. Following this meeting, the board reconvened in regular session. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.1 Next, the president briefed the board on several aspects of the governor's budget and expressed relief in that this budget is much better than budgets of previous years and as such should alleviate some pressures on the University. He then expressed appreciation to the governor for this good recommendation. This recommendation provides the University an opportunity to increase salaries for faculty and staff, to improve undergraduate education, to improve laboratories in need of repair, to improve access to computers for students, to regain some faculty/staff 1 University Senates Conference: David Bardack, professor of biological sciences, Chicago campus; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Ian D. Westbury, professor of curriculum and instruction; Chicago Senate: R. Victor Harnack, professor of speech and chair of the Department of Performing Arts.