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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 393 illness of, injury to, or need to obtain medical or dental consultation for the staff member 2 or the staff member's spouse 2 OP children^ parent, or members of the household. A female staff member may use sick leave as for maternity leave pregnancy. Following the adoption or birth of a child, sick leave may be used for a period of time, not to exceed twelve weeks, to care for that child. Exceptions to and applications of this policy beyond spouse and children, e.g., members of the household, may be granted. Members of the household arc defined as dependent residents of the staff member's household. After an academic or administrative staff member has exhausted the 12 days of cumulative earned sick leave, the 13 days of noncumulative extended sick leave in an appointment year, the unused sick leave accumulated after January 1, 1984, and the sick leave accumulated prior to January 1, 1984, and subject to the approval of the President, or Chancellor as appropriate, 1 a staff member who has completed at least three full years of service may be granted noncumulative sick leave with full pay for a period (including the annual and extended leaves and accumulations described above) not to exceed one-half of the staff member's appointment year. A staff member who, within 120 days, completes a direct transfer to the University of Illinois from another state agency or employer will receive a credit for the balance of unused and uncompensated sick leave accrued at the State agency or employer from which the employee is transferring. Such transferred sick leave credit will be treated in the same manner as sick leave accumulated by University of Illinois employees prior to January 1, 1984. T h e transferring staff member will accrue compensable sick leave at the beginning of employment with the University. Academic or administrative staff members who return to University employment within two years of an earlier separation from University employment, and who upon return are eligible for compensable sick leave under this section, shall have restored, as sick leave accumulated prior to January 1, 1984, regardless of when it was earned, any sick leave which was not compensated to such individuals or used to establish service credit in the State Universities Retirement System at the time of the prior separation from University employment. Reporting on use of sick leave will be made at the unit level and recorded centrally as required. (c) Death, Disability, and Survivor Benefits. For employees of the University, other than students paid on an hourly basis and personnel whose principal employment is outside the University, with at least six-months' service, who are not participants in the State Universities Retirement System or any other publicly supported retirement system which pays a death benefit, a death benefit of $500 is payable by the University. For employees who are participants in the State Universities Retirement System, death, disability, and survivor benefits are provided by that System. On motion of Dr. Bacon, this amendment was approved. Proposed Interim Policy and Procedures for Responding to Complaints of Alleged Discrimination and Harassment, Urbana (12) T h e chancellor at Urbana has recommended approval of an interim policy and procedures for responding to complaints of alleged discrimination and harassment. T h e proposed policy and procedures consolidate and simplify those now in use at the Urbana campus, and deviate from the 1976 Board of Trustees guidelines in several ways: • T h e final decisional authority on the substance of a campus grievance will rest with a vice chancellor rather than the chancellor. T h e proposal allows the chancellor to review a case on its merits if there is a "compelling reason" to do so. 1 In the case of staff members of Central Administration offices, the President will act.
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