Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 385 that the IBHE presented their report on the PQP recommendations at that meeting. The University of Illinois registered disagreement with these recommendations for reductions in programs and for elimination of some programs at the Urbana campus. He reminded the board members that final decisions with regard to academic programs rested with them and with the faculty of the University. Next, the president discussed the problems concerning salaries for faculty and staff at the two campuses. He noted that in all public universities in Illinois salaries are a major problem and one that was discussed at the IBHE meeting earlier in the week as well. In addition, the president voiced concern about salaries for all employee groups at the University, particularly when compared to other State agencies and to other institutions, and stressed the need for help from the State in addressing these severe problems. He reminded the trustees that the State had provided just seven tenths of a percent for salary increases for University faculty and staff over the past three years. The president pointed out that the budget recommendation for Fiscal Year 1995 would be issued by IBHE shortly before the Thanksgiving holiday. OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Calder noted that the country's observance of Veteran's Day had just passed and in view of this asked all veterans in the room to stand and be recognized. NEW BUSINESS There was no business presented under this aegis. REGULAR AGENDA The board considered the following reports and recommendations from the president of the University. Amendment to the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees (2) In April 1993, a Taskforce to Review the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees 1 was convened to consider suggested changes to those Bylaws. The members of the taskforce now recommend amendment of the Bylaws as indicated in the attachment. (A copy of the attachment is filed with the secretary of the board for record.) Specific changes include: formalizing of the role of the university counsel as parliamentarian at all meetings of the board and its committees; formalizing the appointment of trustees to represent the board on the State Universities Civil Service System Merit Board, the State Universities Retirement System Board, and the Illinois Board of Higher Education; the renaming or deletion of committees of the board; and the change in designation of the presiding officer of the board from president to chair. In addition, general editing changes were made to promote clarity and to eliminate gender-specific language. 1 Taskforce to Review the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees: Kenneth R. Boyle, Judith Ann Calder, Jeffrey Gindorf, Susan L. Gravenhorst, and Judith R. Reese.