Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 297 committee, working with the consulting search firm, has a list of prospects to be reviewed. Personnel Searches, Urbana Campus Chancellor Aiken described the search for a vice chancellor for academic affairs at the Urbana campus and indicated that a recommendation was in the regular agenda for the board's vote later in the day. He indicated that the individual recommended, Dr. Larry Faulkner, was an excellent candidate and would be judged so at any university in the nation. Personnel Issue, Chicago Campus Trustee Calder raised a question about a collective bargaining matter concerning the transfer of employees from the Hospital Laundry in Chicago. These employees are represented by AFSCME, Local 31. Mrs. Calder stated that she considered some assurances given these employees to be misleading. She was concerned that when these employees are moved to other classifications within the hospital that they will lose their seniority and begin anew in probationary periods. She indicated that she feared that some employees did not realize that their seniority would be affected by a move to another classification. She referred to the State Universities Civil Service System rule that governs this aspect of employment and reminded the president of the layoff policy of the Civil Service System. President Ikenberry and Vice President Bazzani explained that the University would act with consistency and respect for civil service rules and within these rules would seek to ensure continued employment for the employees. They reminded the board that there are not massive layoffs in the classes into which the employees of the Hospital Laundry will be placed. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED FOR COMMITTEE MEETING There being no further business, the executive session was adjourned for a meeting of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. At this meeting, remodeling plans were presented for Noyes Laboratory, Urbana, as well as proposals for energy conservation at Chicago. In addition, the status of projects funded by the Capital Development Board was reviewed. MINUTES APPROVED The secretary presented for approval the press proof of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of March 26, 1993, copies of which had previously been sent to the board. On motion of Dr. Gindorf, these minutes were approved.