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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

228 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [May 14 Disability Insurance for Chancellor, Urbana At this point, President Ikenberry asked that attendance be limited to the trustees, Dr. Bazzani, Dr. Thompson, and himself. Dr. Bazzani explained to the board members that under the current arrangement concerning benefits for University faculty and staff, there is a two-year waiting period for coverage for disability from the State Universities Retirement System (the source of such benefit). In view of this, Dr. Bazzani recommended that the salary for Dr. Michael Aiken, chancellor designate at Urbana, be increased so as to provide for Dr. Aiken to purchase personal disability insurance until he is eligible for that provided by the State Universities Retirement System. There followed some discussion of other aspects of executive compensation. At the conclusion, President Ikenberry recommended that the board review executive compensation issues overall in the months ahead. Mr. Higgins re-joined the executive session at this time. Comments from Trustee Reese Ms. Reese asked to make a few remarks about a matter involving some correspondence she had received from an applicant for a position. Ms. Reese was specifically concerned that a personal note she had written to the board secretary had been transmitted by legal counsel to the individual who had in turn written Ms. Reese and sent copies to all trustees. The legal counsel to the board apologized for not informing Ms. Reese that he was sending her note to counsel for the complainant and indicated that more care should have been taken in this instance. The board secretary apologized to Ms. Reese for the disclosure of her note. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED FOR COMMITTEE MEETINGS There being no further business, the executive session was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. for a meeting of the Committee on Finance and Audit and a meeting of the board as a Committee of the Whole. The Board of Trustees reconvened in regular session at 12:10 p.m. MINUTES APPROVED The secretary presented for approval the press proofs of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings of September 9-10, 1992, October 15, 1992, November 13, 1992, January 14-15, 1993, and the Special Meeting of January 28, 30, 31, 1993, copies of which had previously been sent to the board. On motion of Mrs. Calder, these minutes were approved.
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